
Description: 29 pages, 4500 words with many images. Includes sketchbook images of the author (ink and watercolours).

From my sketchbook: Double page trout fly and trout angler. Credit: Author (2020).


 “Don’t be into trends. Don’t make fashion own you, but decide what [who] you are.” – Gianni Versace

Versace – a true design icon in his time – accentuated the importance of identifying who you are. Think about this statement for a while? Who are you? On the other hand, who do you want to be? What could your style look like? How could you improve your style? How could you match your vision of you? Let’s take an example of a 30 to 40-year old man asking these questions. Firstly, he will reflect on his style identity. Let’s assume he decides on the AUTHOR IDENTITY OR IMAGE for himself. Let’s explore his chosen identity and image.  This is what he could come up with:

‘I want to be a writer and published author. I want to be more stylish. At this point, my style does not reflect that of a sophisticated, stylish writer. I think I look and dress a bit boring. I could change my hairstyle. Maybe I could search images of famous writers and authors. From my research, I could identify a couple of cool images of writers. I will make some notes and design a personal style that I think will suit me. As Versace recommends – I have to decide who I am and who I want to be. I have to get out of my rut.’

It is never too late to make changes. It is all about decision-making. Start with small changes. If you wear glasses every day, this could be a starting point to re-invent your style. With the second pair of glasses – nowadays at half price – consider purchasing 2 sets.


The parable of the stylish fisherman and how he caught the most beautiful woman alive will get everyone’s attention; the word stylish will make men turn their heads in this direction. How did the fisherman land the extravagant catch you may ask? I am glad you have asked. Every beautiful, elegant and exquisite woman wants a stylish gentleman next to her side. In this article, I will list and briefly discuss amazingly useful ideas and things that the style rookie could do to elevate his style to next tier, namely ‘stylish gentlemen.’ Experienced men – if you are a late starter – this article on style is also for you! Parents with young boys will find this read very useful.

IMAGE: The Gold-ribbed Hare’s Ear fly from my sketchbook (ink and watercolour). The Hare’s Ear fly is popular and quite useful in the right place at the right time. Credit: W Van Zyl (April 2020).

Back to the parable, I am not talking about the live bait of the fisherman. Not the earthworm, or the cricket, I am talking about the angler’s use of style –fishing flies. I am referring to a man’s style, his presence, his confidence, his speech, and most importantly, his appearance. In short, I will use the presentation of the ‘hook.’ The lure, the fly, the spinner – in a freshwater fishing context.

The ‘parable’ is about a young fisherman who could not catch any fish on a specific day. Being tired and disappointed, he took a feather from his wide-brimmed hat and tied it to his hook. He tied the beautiful feather to the hook with a piece of fragile thread. It all happened just before he went home. At the end of that day – quite disappointed – he tied the newly fashioned hook to his trout fishing line. On his second cast, a large trout took the fly! The colossal trout sent the reel screaming. The rainbow trout rocketed out of the water –vertically – doing everything in its power to escape. It was a sparkling rainbow beauty! He landed it, and the entire day ended with a highlight. Why am I telling this story? What is the moral of the story, you may ask? Be creative and innovative with your style. If you are stuck in a rut, make changes to your style; develop your fly box. Include variety. Be successful every day!

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