
Product description:

Two one page stories – 8 pages, 1080 words with many images. Flash fiction.

The two stories: Out-Foxed & The Revolving Ballerina


Listen to the podcast: https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-ngvth-10f667d


Image from the short story:  The Revolving Ballerina

Anne Lamington dancing.

Excerpt 3: The Revolving Ballerina

The ribbon of the blood-stained ballet shoes chafed Anne Lamington’s left ankle. It had been killing her for years.

One gunshot was all it took to stop the relentless chafing. One would never contrast a revolver with ballet shoes. Would you?

After everyone had left, she did endless pirouettes on his grave (this sentence is not my writing, the rest is). She was spinning out of control – arms stretched out as if claiming her life back. Then unexpectedly, she stopped. Was she rewinding? Anne knelt down respectfully. She carefully looked around and took the revolver out of her bag – wrapped in a white pillowcase – she buried it as deep as she could in the fresh grave…


Is this the assassin of Jack Leonard?

Excerpt 1:

At 11:16 am, it was all over. On July 15, 2016 – at 11:17 am – John Parrish ran over his robber-friend, Jack Leonard, and grabbed his bag full of money. They had just robbed the Atlantic Bank in London. Four million and two hundred thousand British Pounds in total were collected. It vanished out of the large walk-in safe in just over 3 minutes.

The get-away car disappeared into the busy streets of London – two unknown men were dressed with tight stockings over their heads. Then, without their tight masks, they weaved through the traffic.

The two remaining bank robbers successfully evaded arrest and were not traced. The trail went cold.


Five years passed.


Vanessa Parrish graduated from King’s College London as a forensic scientist after 5 years of study. Her short but heartfelt speech touched the hearts of all the attendees at the ceremony.

Did John Parrish double-cross his friend Jack Leonard on that fateful day? The three of them carried handguns with silencers to silence the noise from their pistols – if they had to use it. After investigations, it was concluded that Jack Leonard was shot with a sniper rifle from across the road as he fled from the bank – possibly from the hotel’s second floor, The Ambassador.  Findings were inconclusive about who had shot Leonard. Could Jack Leonard be silenced? He was being killed as he ran out of the bank. He died on the pavement in front of the bank – three shots to his chest – he lost his share of the heist to his friend John…

Excerpt 2:

How to Write Microfiction in 9 Easy Steps (less than 300 words).


  1. Make use of strong imagery. Let every single word count.
  2. Focus on one moment in time.
  3. Work with just one or two characters. Don’t spread your story too thin.
  4. Try first-person point of view first. Third-person and omniscient will also do.
  5. Surprise your reader with short bursts of action, concepts and ideas.
  6. Move quickly through your story.
  7. Show don’t tell. Leave lots of ‘golden nuggets’ throughout the story.
  8. Include a lesson or wisdom embedded in your story.
  9. Make good use of your title.

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