Hantam staan in Steenbok-se-Pan.

Deur William & Malinda Van Zyl Geskryf en gepubliseer in 2018. Afrikaanse Gedig: Uit Dikmelk en Nettige-vet Inleiding Malinda en William skryf n gedig oor die plaas Steenbok Pan – in Bloemhof, Suid Afrika – waar Malinda groot geword het.  Met verwysing na Malinda se pa Errie Kleynhans. Hantam staan in ‘Steenbok-se-pan’ Van biltong-tyd tot wit… Continue reading Hantam staan in Steenbok-se-Pan.

Die Foto se Snare / The Strings of the Photograph.

By William & Malinda Van Zyl Gepubliseer in 2018/Published in 2018. Inleiding: Malinda skryf n gedig, Malinda writes poem. Strings of the photograph Strings of the Photograph The photograph they say, tells of a thousand distant worlds… A thousand times over, and over− Someone loves that landscape and contours, you know The image sits in… Continue reading Die Foto se Snare / The Strings of the Photograph.

Die Beiteltjie (gedig) / The Little Chisel (poem)

Deur/By William Van Zyl Eerste publikasie in 2017/First published in 2017. Aangepas in 2023/Edited in 2023. Die steenmesselaar se gereedskap / The stone mason’s tools: Agtergrond: Hierdie gedig was in die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat Eksamen (RSA) vir die Afrikaanse Eerste taal eksamen in 1976 – my final jaar op skool (Hentie Cilliers, Virginia, Vrystaat).Op daardie… Continue reading Die Beiteltjie (gedig) / The Little Chisel (poem)

Poem: A Strong Tower/ Gedig: N Sterk Toring

A Strong Tower (English version) / N Sterk Toring (Afrikaans version) By William Van Zyl. Published in 2016. Deur William Van Zyl. Gepuliseer in 2016. Poem: A Strong Tower (dedicated to Nena by William) My mother stands mountain tall She towers high above the stratosphere Storms have no business with her She waves her hand… Continue reading Poem: A Strong Tower/ Gedig: N Sterk Toring

The World’s shortest Poems.

By William Van Zyl (published September 2021) Listen to the podcast of this article online as a blog post: https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-5iaj8-10f7cbb Have you ever wondered what is the shortest poem ever written? After a search, here is a result. The shortest poem in the English language, by the late great Muhammad Ali, is simply “Me, We”.… Continue reading The World’s shortest Poems.