Rosetta Spacecraft: Deciphering the Code?

By William Van Zyl Published in Oct 2024 Rosetta Spacecraft? You have heard the name Rosetta before, right? This article focuses on a spacecraft named ‘Rosetta.‘ Champollion deciphered the renowned Egyptian Rosetta Stone; this article is about another Rosetta—the Rosetta Spacecraft.  Humans want to decipher mysteries. The first one was the Egyptian hieroglyphs. Champollion did… Continue reading Rosetta Spacecraft: Deciphering the Code?

Modern Sustainable House Design: ‘Whaitere the Enchanted Stingray.’ A Māori Story.

By William Van Zyl Published on 24 Sept 2024 This article includes stunning AI-generated architectural structures that reflect the shape and pattern of a stingray. This resource will provide valuable information to design and architecture students. The focus is on contemporary Māori-inspired design. A 3D print component is evident in the shape and form of… Continue reading Modern Sustainable House Design: ‘Whaitere the Enchanted Stingray.’ A Māori Story.

Literature Review: 21st Century Skills Required by Employers.

BY William Van Zyl Published on July 20, 2024. In the rapidly evolving 21st-century landscape, employers’ skills requirements have significantly shifted. The World Economic Forum (2015) highlights key competencies that are essential for modern workplaces, including solving real-life problems, collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, innovation, teamwork, and communication. This literature review explores these skills, synthesising relevant… Continue reading Literature Review: 21st Century Skills Required by Employers.

Literature Review (Short Summary) – ‘Developing High School Students’ Data and Graph Interpreting Skills in the Context of IoT and Greenhouse Management.’

By William Van Zyl Published on July 20, 2024 Objective: This literature review explores research on developing high school students’ data and graph interpreting skills, focusing on integrating IoT and greenhouse management. The study uses Microbit and Arduino microprocessors to monitor variables, specifically focusing on understanding the mini-greenhouse system’s temperature (and moisture) fluctuations. Keywords: Mini-greenhouse,… Continue reading Literature Review (Short Summary) – ‘Developing High School Students’ Data and Graph Interpreting Skills in the Context of IoT and Greenhouse Management.’

Enhancing Secondary School Students’ Data Analysis and Chart Interpretation Abilities (Vertical Skyfarm Design – Minecraft Education).

By William N. Van Zyl Published 20 July 2024 Are you looking for innovative ways to improve high school students’ data analysis and chart interpretation abilities? Look no further. As an experienced secondary school Technology teacher, I’d like to share my research project with you. At the end of this article, I include how you… Continue reading Enhancing Secondary School Students’ Data Analysis and Chart Interpretation Abilities (Vertical Skyfarm Design – Minecraft Education).

Embedding Māori Architectural Principles into Modern Sustainable Architecture: A Case Study – Fallingwater (Frank Lloyd Wright).

By William Van Zyl.  Published in March 2024 Incorporating Māori architectural shapes and forms into a modern architectural house design while emphasising sustainability can create a unique and culturally rich living space. Here are some ideas to achieve this: Combining modern architectural principles with Māori shapes, forms, and cultural elements allows you to create a… Continue reading Embedding Māori Architectural Principles into Modern Sustainable Architecture: A Case Study – Fallingwater (Frank Lloyd Wright).

Modernist Art & Architecture: Museum Design (Contemporary Māori Patterns). New Zealand – ‘The City Rail Link Building.’

By William Van Zyl Published in March 2024 Are you interested in incorporating contemporary Māori shapes, forms, patterns, and colours into your art, architecture, or product design? This article explores a modern approach to integrating these elements and showcases AI-generated images, including a design for a modern museum with an artistic façade. For instance, it… Continue reading Modernist Art & Architecture: Museum Design (Contemporary Māori Patterns). New Zealand – ‘The City Rail Link Building.’

Māori Stories and Folklore: Telling Creative Stories Through Contemporary Architecture and Product Design (Design Era – Modernism).

By William Van Zyl (Published 11 February 2024) This article touches on two Māori stories (folklore). I use the deeper meaning and message to consider a modern building (architecture) or chair (product design). The article is designed to provide an example of how Māori stories and culture could be embedded into contemporary design with a… Continue reading Māori Stories and Folklore: Telling Creative Stories Through Contemporary Architecture and Product Design (Design Era – Modernism).

MODERNISM: Terminology, Keywords, and Key Phrases for Architectural and Product Design.

By William Van Zyl (Published 15 January 2024). Overview: This resource will assist students, teachers, homeschoolers, artists, designers, sculpturers, and architects to develop their annotation skills by extending their vocabulary and understanding of key design words and phrases. Firstly, the features of Modernism (or a Modernist style or Design Era) are listed. Secondly, the most… Continue reading MODERNISM: Terminology, Keywords, and Key Phrases for Architectural and Product Design.

Mirror Opens Ancient Temple Door.

By William Van Zyl – Published in December 2023. A tiny beam of light – entering from a slit in the roof of the cave – shines like a long shaft of enlightenment onto the rugged cave floor. Thousands specks of dust – hundreds of years asleep – are disturbed. They wake up. The ancient… Continue reading Mirror Opens Ancient Temple Door.

AI-inspired Māori Food.

By William Van Zyl (published in November 2023) Introduction: This resource includes an overview of Māori food in New Zealand over the past 700 years. I include the influence of Britain, other cultures, and Christianity on Māori food and dishes. Also included are several AI-inspired dishes (Midjourney/Discord). Additional focus on aesthetics – crockery & garnishing… Continue reading AI-inspired Māori Food.

AI-Inspired Māori Fashion. 

By William Van Zyl (Published in November 2023) In this article, I provide a rich resource for artists, designers, teachers and design students. I include a short clothing and fashion design overview over the past 700 years of Māori in New Zealand. I start with traditional clothing and then progress to AI-inspired clothing—a modern and… Continue reading AI-Inspired Māori Fashion. 

Māori-inspired AI Furniture and AI Tool Design (New Zealand). Including an Overview of Traditional Māori Furniture and Māori Tools. 

By William Van Zyl (Published in November 2023). Synopsis: This eBook or article aims to give a short overview of traditional Māori Furniture and tools. Garden tools – the hoe or paddle – are one of the focuses—Māori-inspired shapes, forms and patterns for hardwood chairs and side tables. I also include ideas for a mild… Continue reading Māori-inspired AI Furniture and AI Tool Design (New Zealand). Including an Overview of Traditional Māori Furniture and Māori Tools. 

The Art of Zines: A Creative Exploration.

By William Van Zyl Published on 5 October 2023. Short intro video: Creating a small blank zine booklet in under 30 seconds – from one size A4 page (magaZINE). Link the video: Introduction In the vibrant world of artistic expression, zines emerge as unique and personal avenues for self-publishing. Originating from the punk subculture… Continue reading The Art of Zines: A Creative Exploration.

Influential Theorists for Action Research in Education.

By William Van Zyl (Published in September 2023). In this article I list, and summarise, the most influential theorists for Action Research in Education. I focus on researching in a High School context to provide a backdrop. I also include a research title as a specific focus to explain Action Research in simple terms. Title (STEM… Continue reading Influential Theorists for Action Research in Education.

Antonio Gaudi – ‘God’s Architect’ – transforms paradigms.

By William Van Zyl (Published on 4 September 2023). Nonetheless, it wasn’t until architect Fred Van Brandenburg’s return to Spain to New Zealand in 2004, and his exploration of Park Güell in Barcelona—a masterpiece created by Gaudí during his naturalist phase, drawing inspiration from organic forms in nature—that Fred experienced a revelation profoundly shaped by… Continue reading Antonio Gaudi – ‘God’s Architect’ – transforms paradigms.

Contemporary Māori-inspired Architecture in New Zealand.

By William Van Zyl (Published 2 September 2023). Modern Māori architecture in New Zealand blends traditional Māori design principles, cultural values, and contemporary architectural approaches.  The new New Zealand curriculum for Design and Visual Communication (NCEA – DVC Level 1) focuses on Māori architecture in a Mātauranga Māori context. This article provides a brief overview… Continue reading Contemporary Māori-inspired Architecture in New Zealand.

Māori Worldview and Architectural Design.

By William Van Zyl (Published 30 August 2023) *Credit cover image: Toa Architects (NZ). Taumata o Kupe What type of unique building, house, landmark, chapel, church, marae, or shade space would you design to reflect and represent your worldview? I am referring to symbolism-related shapes, forms, patterns, and colours.  What would be the main shapes… Continue reading Māori Worldview and Architectural Design.

Māori Architecture and Modernism in Architecture: A Design Challenge. 

By William Van Zyl (Published 26 August 2023) I start this short eBook/article with modern Māori-inspired New Zealand (NZ) buildings. It showcases the innovative embedment of traditional Māori shapes, forms, patterns and colours in contemporary design in NZ. I then move on to explore modernism and Māori architecture. See the link to the Contemporary Māori-folklore… Continue reading Māori Architecture and Modernism in Architecture: A Design Challenge. 

Architectural Design: Māori, Christian, and Modernist Influences – A New Zealand Perspective. 

By William Van Zyl (Published 24 August 2023). Has your world been turned upside-down at some point? Look at the innovative and creative ideas in this article. What do you see? What ideas do you have? What would it be if I asked you to develop a unique idea or concept for a spatial design?… Continue reading Architectural Design: Māori, Christian, and Modernist Influences – A New Zealand Perspective.