Minecraft Education Lesson: Create a Battlefield or War Zone.

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Ebook Description: 1289 words with several images and video links.  15 x size A4 pages

Lesson Description:


In this lesson, students will explore BATTLEFIELDS AND WAR ZONES. To be built in Minecraft Education. Prior knowledge (research) students to find out what a battlefield looks like. Decide on the type of battlefield:

  • World War 1
  • World War 2
  • Ancient battlefield (swords, axes, shields, catapults, castles, etc.)
  • Modern battlefield (drones, fighter jets, long-range missiles, nuclear and hydrogen bombs, satellite scanning, other technologically advanced weapons.
  • Sea battle (ships and planes, plane carriers, submarines, and more)
  • Outer space battles (spaceships, lasers, aliens, other galaxies, and more)



Lesson Description: page 4

NUMERACY: The focus will be on measuring: the size of the battlefield, and the size of the weapons. Also, look at geometrical shapes and forms. For example spheres, circles, triangles, squares, octagons, and more. page 5

LITERACY (fighting techniques and describing strategies, events, and more): The focus is on the battle. Consider the different types of battle. 6

Great video of World War 2: 8

Learning Objectives: 8

Guiding Ideas & Questions: 9

Instructions: 9

Extension: 10

Student Activities: 11

Performance Expectations: 11

Evidence of Learning: 11

Extension: 11

COMPETITION: As always – prizes and awards. 12

Marking Schedule: 12

About the Author: page 13


Learning Objectives:


  1. Understand about battlefields work and are set up.


  1. Gain an understanding of the different type of battles (ancient wars, early wars, sea, land, underwater, infantry, sky, outer space, and more).


  1. Learn about battle formations and planning.
  2. Learn about colour in battle – to recognise own and enemy forces.
  3. Learn about strategy in warfare.
  4. Learn about the choice of terrain for a battle.
  5. Learn how to adapt to the war on a battlefield.
  6. Consider the type of weapons in a specific battle or battlefield.


Battlefield – renactment. Credit Pixabay.com