Buckminster Fuller – Geodesic Shape and Form for architectural design. Designing a Vertical Urban Skyfarm (hydroponics,  aeroponics & aquaponics) in Minecraft.

By William Van Zyl (Published on 5 January 2023). I have probably designed hundreds of concept buildings. Considering the work of inspirational and influential architects of the past – and future ones – I have pioneered new shapes and forms. In some instances, biomimicry had been my inspiration (‘asking nature how’). In this article I… Continue reading Buckminster Fuller – Geodesic Shape and Form for architectural design. Designing a Vertical Urban Skyfarm (hydroponics,  aeroponics & aquaponics) in Minecraft.

Do these things – right now – to elevate creativity and innovation.

By William Van Zyl Published in November 2022. “I am not going to suffocate my children with literacy and numeracy. I don’t care what people – and even teachers – say. I want my children to be creative and innovative,” said the agitated mother.  “My kids come home from school, and they express their boredom.… Continue reading Do these things – right now – to elevate creativity and innovation.

World War 3 Victory Gardens: ThingSpeak and Eels save the day. 

By William Van Zyl. Published on November 8, 2022. A high-frequency air raid siren goes off above Jacob’s head. He flinches. Urgent notifications ping on his phone – a row of warnings. His wife clings to his arm in the anti-nuclear bunker. Two large grey-coloured grasshoppers with huge eyes are looking into one another’s eyes.… Continue reading World War 3 Victory Gardens: ThingSpeak and Eels save the day.