The Radical Middle




EBOOK DETAILS: 32 x size A4 pages. 5100 words. Includes several images and infographics to illustrate the concepts.

This ebook touches on the ‘radical middle’, which is an exciting concept. It may sound paradoxical. However, the character of God (Jehovah) is an interesting one. It has so many dimensions. In this article, I endeavour to unpack some of the dimensions of God, which seems to be contradictory.

Have you ever heard the question “If God is so loving and caring, why is there so much suffering on the earth?’ Well, this article provides some answers. Be prepared to be enlightened!



WATERCOLOURS: Metaphor – Floating Gill Net Fishing. Credit: Author.

The fishing net metaphor can be described as follows: The knowledge is the fish. The weights (lead) – at the bottom of the net – provides the stretching down of the net as the weights (stones) lie on the bottom of the ocean. It provides stability (discipline and focus). The buoys (floats) at the top of the net provides the pull upwards for the fishing net. This upwards force is the motivation and inspiration to ‘catch’ the knowledge and the education provided. The fishing net itself is the methods, processes, media, resources, and technology (the internet/software/devices/etc.) to be used to gather knowledge successfully and to allow the students to express themselves. The counting of the fish is the success and achievement of the students – assessments, marks and credits. Great metaphor!


The two continuums, the four positions, and the intersection of the four circles (the middle ground) is the exact radical middle I am referring to. If one draws a Venn diagram (as used in Maths) where one draw circles to represent a position, the four different circles that coincide and overlap in such a way that the four circles all have a common shared area – that is what I call the radical middle. The radical middle is a position, a perspective, and a paradigm that one can use to explore the character of God. This position (a way of thinking) can be used to construct and develop one’s own character. It develops a balance and brings stability. It can be described as:

  ‘A radical perspective from the middle, which provides balance, equilibrium, stability, fullness, and includes the full range or spectrum of the continuum (freedom within the ‘Laws of God’)’.   



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Introduction: An interesting Maori fishing story. Page 6

A Biblical perspective on fishing nets: Page 7

Continuum 1: Stoicism versus Ultra-emotionalism. Page 13

…… 13

Continuum 2: Legalism versus Liberalism.. 14

Sin, Transgressions and Iniquities. 19

Equilibrium:’The fear of the Lord’ 19

Revelation uncovered: A personal story. 21

Radical paradox: A compelling story… 23

INFOGRAPHIC (See the image/diagram below) 24

What is the so-called RADICAL MIDDLE?. 24

Conclusion. 27

About the Author. 28

Kingdom perspective: 28

Childhood story: 29

More articles: 30

For more about the author visit: 30

Ebooks for sale: 30 Page 30