Family Culture: Predictability, Security, and Stability


Details of the book:

5100 words (Font size 14 Pt).

37  pages (size A4) including many photos, diagrams, etc.

About this article on family culture:

What are some of the elements, as well as the relational dynamics that constitutes a great loving and caring extended family? I will endeavour in this short article – with references to unique events and highlights of our extended family – to identify possible factors and influences that may have impacted our larger extended family. I will limit this overview to the lives of Charlie and Nena Van Zyl (parents) and those directly related to them.


On the exploration of the intriguing question “What makes a great extended family?” the passing of dad Charlie van Zyl (March 2017) has elicited this investigation. This article focuses on the possibilities of creating a great Christian nuclear and extended family. By no means do we claim that the Van Zyl, Windell, Herholdt, Bekker, Van Niekerk, and Da Silva clan are an excellent example of an amazing extended family. However, we are humbled by the simple, loving and caring social environment established by all of its members over the years. It is the adventurous living, humble, caring, loving, and loyal affection amongst its members that have prompted this question – “What makes a great family culture?” The intention is to identify some factors and influences that have shaped this extended family.



Family Culture




Higher Purpose




About this article on family culture: Page 6

Introduction. Page 7



The impact of modern technology on creating family culture. 8

A short Genealogy of our extended family: 9

The intimate moments of the passing of dad Charles – an unexpected video call (IMO) from William and Malinda van Zyl to. 10

Charlie’s love for his sons: 13

What is a Family Culture and how does it evolve?. 14

An ‘Oikos’: 15

Good Parents: 16

Predictable patterns in the family. 17

One can identify and list many predictable patterns in a family: 17

The things we say: 18

Say things with consistency and predictability: 19

Living with purpose; a common goal 19

Monotony versus initiative and creativity: 22

Additional – article 1:. 23

Read more about creative, gifted and talented children like Bill Gates. It includes his upbringing in his family and the many factors that played a role in his development as an entrepreneur:  23

About this article: 26

Additional article 2: 27


Are schools killing creativity, and what can I do as a high school teacher in New Zealand to enhance creativity in my own practice as a Design and Visual Communication teacher?   27

Conclusion. 30

References. 33

Acknowledgements. 33

About the Author. 34

More articles: 36

For more about the author visit: 36

Ebooks for sale: 36 36