By William Van Zyl (2020).

The parable of the stylish fisherman and how he caught the most beautiful woman alive will get everyone’s attention; the word stylish will make men turn their heads in this direction. How did the fisherman land the extravagant catch you may ask? I am glad you have asked. Every beautiful, elegant and exquisite woman wants a stylish gentleman next to her side. In this article, I will list and briefly discuss amazingly useful ideas and things that the style rookie could do to elevate his style to next tier, namely ‘stylish gentlemen.’ Experienced men – if you are a late starter – this article on style is also for you! Parents with young boys will find this read very useful.
Back to the parable, I am not talking about the live bait of the fisherman. Not the earthworm, or the cricket, I am talking about the angler’s use of style –fishing flies. I am referring to a man’s style, his presence, his confidence, his speech, and most importantly, his appearance. In short, I will use the presentation of the ‘hook.’ The lure, the fly, the spinner – in a freshwater fishing context. The underlying paradigm of this article is marriage – holy matrimony.
The ‘parable’ is about a young fisherman who could not catch any fish on a specific day. Being tired and disappointed, he took a feather from his wide-brimmed hat and tied it to his hook. He tied the beautiful feather to the hook with a piece of fragile thread. It all happened just before he went home. At the end of that day – quite disappointed – he tied the newly fashioned hook to his trout fishing line. On his second cast, a large trout took the fly! The colossal trout sent the reel screaming. The rainbow trout rocketed out of the water –vertically – doing everything in its power to escape. It was a sparkling rainbow beauty! He landed it, and the entire day ended with a highlight. Why am I telling this story? What is the moral of the story, you may ask? Be creative and innovative with your style. If you are stuck in a rut, make changes to your style; develop your fly box. Include variety. Be successful every day!

A trout fisherman in action.

From my sketchbook – Trout Fishing: Landing the big gone. Ink and Watercolours. Credit: The author (April 2020).

The Gold-ribbed Hare’s Ear fly. Tie your own fly.

The Gold-ribbed Hare’s Ear fly from my sketchbook (ink and watercolour). The Hare’s Ear fly is popular and quite useful in the right place at the right time. Credit: W Van Zyl (April 2020).
“Don’t be into trends. Don’t make fashion own you, but decide what [who] you are.” – Gianni Versace
Versace – a true design icon in his time – accentuated the importance of identifying who you are. Think about this statement for a while? Who are you? On the other hand, who do you want to be? What could your style look like? How could you improve your style? How could you match your vision of you? Let’s take an example of a 30 to 40-year old man asking these questions. Firstly, he will reflect on his style identity. Let’s assume he decides on the AUTHOR IDENTITY OR IMAGE for himself. Let’s explore his chosen identity and image. This is what he could come up with:
‘I want to be a writer and published author. I want to be more stylish. At this point, my style does not reflect that of a sophisticated, stylish writer. I think I look and dress a bit boring. I could change my hairstyle. Maybe I could search images of famous writers and authors. From my research, I could identify a couple of cool images of writers. I will make some notes and design a personal style that I think will suit me. As Versace recommends – I have to decide who I am and who I want to be. I have to get out of my rut.’
It is never too late to make changes. It is all about decision-making. Start with small changes. If you wear glasses every day, this could be a starting point to re-invent your style. With the second pair of glasses – nowadays at half price – consider purchasing 2 sets.
Fly-fishermen and their fishing tackle have always enchanted me. The secrets of the fly-box – the small case of exquisite flies in the pocket of the stylish trout angler – inspires me. I will refer to fashionable flies and elaborate spinners for trout fishing — a ‘fly’ for every occasion. A spinner to extend your personality. I will share my fly and spinner case with you.

My trout fly and spinner box. See the contrast in colours, shape and form – variation in your style could be very refreshing. I started with flies only. However, I learned very quickly that spinners are a game changer! Think about your dress-cupboard. Take time to identify your style. Ask some relevant style questions. Credit: W Van Zyl (April 2020).

From my sketchbook: Double page trout fly and trout angler. Credit: Author (2020).
This analogy of the fly box and the fisherman could be used to investigate the clothes, shoes, hats, accessories, grooming, and more of the young gentleman. Specifically, his day-to-day activities related to style. Think and develop your style. Not to impress others, but to establish your image, reflect your character and extend your personality. It takes the will to learn about fashion, making the right decisions on style, and boldness and confidence to create and maintain a unique identity. Construct your individual style intentionally. The proper clothing for the right occasion or activity is vital.

IMAGE: Someone else’s fly box. See the extensive range of different types of flies for trout fishing (freshwater). No spinners in this box. To land a good one, you need a variety of lures. Functional, tested, robust and sophisticated lures gets attention. Experience is the key; when to use the right fly is paramount. How to develop a style can be learned. Credit image:
As young boys, Dad used to take my two younger brothers and me to Relling and Sons to buy clothes. What I can remember most vividly is my dad giving us full freedom to choose any clothes and shoes, irrespective of the price. He gave us wings to fly, and we were able to develop our own identities from a very early age. We all chose the khaki outfits (see the picture in this article) at one stage; it was very trendy at the time. The fact that the three sons decided together on the same clothes bonded us together, and we developed a unique identity as the Van Zyl brothers. I tell you we were over the moon with the impressive quality and up to date fashion of the clothes. We felt so confident when wearing quality clothes. We felt extravagant – we were proud. It extended our identity. We could choose and wear what we wanted! The clothes brand I can remember vividly is Rex Trueform. See my sketch of the logo of the clothing brand (South African context). The shirts, shorts, and trousers were extravagantly packaged in beautiful cardboard boxes. The name and the logo of the brand were printed very prominently on the boxes. No plastic wrapping was used. In the factory, the clothing was folded very neatly and placed in the boxes. The clothing items were wrapped in thin ‘tracing type paper’ (very soft and translucent paper). When you opened the box, you had to unwrap the clothing by taking the thin paper wrap off. I can remember how the boxes were stacked at the top of the shelves. The salespeople – Mr Relling senior and his two sons – had soft fabric type tape measures hanging around their necks during the day as they went about their daily tasks in the shop. They were always dressed like professionals wearing trousers, long sleeve shirts and ties. I can recall the great smell of new clothes as the boxes were opened. It was such a treat to go to Rellings to get new clothes! Dad Charles was very generous. He worked on the local gold mines, and our rent was ridiculously low. It means that we had some extra cash at the end of a month to splash out on clothes. We did go to Rellings from time to time. In the shop, Dad Charles would say “Get what you want my boys.” We surely got the best quality and the trendiest clothes in the shop. What a blessing!
Thank you, Charles, for the luxury and freedom to choose! It was money well invested in quality clothes and shoes for your sons! Look at the confidence of the three brothers in the photographs here. Don’t miss the broad, trendy ‘ducktail’ leather belts!

PHOTO: Deon, William & Martin – the three Van Zyl brothers – is posing here with their newly acquired khaki outfits from E. A. Relling and Sons in Virginia. Look at those cool leather belts! See the leather capped watch of William (middle) – military-style strap. You had to open the leather cap to see the time. The function of the cap over the watch was to protect the face of the watch. The photo was taken at 76 Marico Drive, Saaiplaas, Virginia, South Africa. Credit: C & N Van Zyl (photo taken in 1973, I guess).

Rex Trueform Office Building, 263 Victoria Rd, Cape Town, Western Cape ZA. Credit: Frank Bohn Studios (architects South Africa).
The company has interests in the retailing of fashion apparel, property and water infrastructure sectors. See the end of the article for more about the Rex Trueform Company.

A childhood memory from my sketchbook: The Rex Trueform clothes brand. As young boys and later as teenagers dad Charles purchased our clothes – church-going-clothes and outfits for special occasions – from Rellings. Logo on the left. The boxes – the packaging – on the right (opened box with a neatly folded shirt). The sketched memory is a representation of what I have experienced when at the E A Relling and Sons shop in the small town of Virginia in the Freestate (RSA). Credit: W Van Zyl – April 2020.

CLOSE UP: The packaging for the clothes from Rellings from my sketchbook – far right. Carboard box with the Rex Trueform brand printed on the lid. On the far left the logo of the Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa Church (Apostoliese Geloof Sending van Suid-Afrika, Virginia Gemeente) is shown. Symbols in the AFM logo: A circle, a red cross, a bright sun and a golden crown; blue skies background. I have included the AFM logo because it had such a profound impact on my childhood. Most of the clothes purchased at Rellings were worn to church. Us 3 sons were brought up in the AFM church in Virginia – as you can imagine dedicated church attendees. Read the notes below the AFM logo sketch: ‘Na die kruis kom die kroon.’; ‘After the cross comes the crown.’

Close up of the Rex Trueform brand logo. Established in 1937 and is still in business today in South Africa. Watercolours and black ink. Sketched in April 2020 by the author.
Table of Contents
The glamourous woman answered – after the question of what is essential to women and what woman want in men. According to this woman, there are ‘four important things’ women are looking for in men:
- Confidence: Humbleness and being oneself – not fixated on self – is very important to her. Men have to be confident.
- Style: You would expect clothing and accessories to be mentioned first. However, the woman mentions personal speech as crucial. Surprisingly, it is your choice of words that confirms your style (or destroys it). Foul language does not fit a stylish man. Then, quality clothing, grooming, and other aspects of style should follow.
- Good manners and respect: This is number one for her. She commented that she wants to feel safe and protected. ‘This should be part of the style and behaviour of sophisticated men,’ she said.
- Body, soul, spirit, relationships and finances: Lastly, she mentions 5 dimensions. She started her comment by asking a couple of questions: How fit, how healthy is the man. Does he have healthy eating habits? What extravagant thoughts are entertained in his psyche? Does he have spiritual depth (his moral compass and convictions)? Are his relationships well developed – is he honouring his parents? Lastly, is he disciplined in his finances (expenditure and savings)? Is he forward thinking? Is he intentionally working towards a plan or a dream? ‘The answer to these questions are the foundation on which good style should be constructed,’ she said with a glint of wisdom in her eyes.
I am deviating from physical style. Let’s return to our focus: practical advice for establishing a unique style for gentlemen.
10 Secrets for Dressing Well and Developing Style: A Roadmap for the Style Rookie and Parents interested in Developing the Style of their Young Teenage Boys and Young Adult Men.
‘A good scarf will fly you to Egypt and back on a flamboyant carpet.’
A scarf that matches your clothes is something that instantaneously creates style and will elevate the man.

The contrasting off-white scarf with black lines against the white shirt and trousers provide instant style. Credit: Pixabay.
Here is a cool video on How To Tie 10 Scarf Knots For Men | Men’s Scarves Tying Tutorial | Wear Scarfs Video:
- A range of hats will place you in the presence of influencers.
Men’s hats (and caps) have cemented themselves as eternally stylish men’s accessories through the ages. The right hat for the right season requires an eye for style. Men should develop their sense of style; how you may ask. My advice is to read about hats and view videos on hats and fashion.
From baseball caps to bucket hats, fedoras to snapbacks, men’s hats are a versatile, functional and stylish addition to any look. They’re also practical and suitable for any season and occasion.
- ‘A quality belt will strap you to the biggest adventurists of your time.’
Buying a stylish belt that works for you is hard – much harder than you probably ever considered. Stop thinking of a belt as just being functional. Think aesthetics, think matching or a contrasting style. To assist you here is a brilliant article on belts.
‘19 stylish belts will hold up your pants.’
- Pulling up eye-catching, matching socks will break the monotony of any meeting.
First impressions are vital to everyday life, and you want to look your best at all times! Some practical advice: Unbelievably, good socks are also essential to the life of your shoes. Your choice of socks is important. As feet are prone to sweating, this can cause damage to the footwear – which highlights the importance of a good quality pair of socks. Place your shoes in the sun from time to time – airing out your shoes are important. I prefer to buy 2 pairs of shoes at a time. Alternating shoes every day, or every couple of days, allows shoes to air and to breathe – it improves foot health. Here is some excellent advice on sock styling:
- Well-considered accessories, like a belt chain, tie pin, cufflinks, a lapel pin and more will place you in the presence of kings.
This a vast subject area. It will take pages to discuss accessories and style. Instead, I provide you with a short article to get you started. Wearing accessories will distinguish you as a stylish man. For example, I love taking my man bag (brown leather satchel – vintage military style) to church on Sundays. Not only is it stylish, but it is convenient. I have my notebook, a fountain pen, a glass case with a small cleaning cloth, a mobile phone, and more, tucked in when I need it. It provides that extra accessory which defines your style. Thrift shops can provide you with fantastic quality man bags at a fraction of the price. Look for different sizes. Larger leather sling bags are perfect for carrying books, notes and more – briefcase with a handle and sling. I use one for all my art equipment. When you find one at a thrift shop, give the pre-loved man-bag a deep clean, then polish, crème or waterproof the bag. You could also clean the fabric (lining) on the inside. I use a stain remover (spray on and leave for a couple of minutes). Then carefully rinse it in a sink. Pull out the fabric and leave it in the sun to dry. Aim for having a couple of different man bags in your cupboard. Think like a stylish man.
Here is a short article about men’s accessories — how to wear them:
- A quality fountain pen in your pocket will rocket you into ‘outer space.’
I have always loved fountain pens and calligraphy pens, as I love sketching. The pure joy of cleaning and filling the pens with ink, holding the pens, writing with ease, and drawing is sheer fulfilment. When you add additional fountain pens and different colours of ink to your collection, it could become a hobby (or ‘addiction’).
“To sit at one’s table on a sunny morning, with four clear hours of uninterruptible security, plenty of nice white paper, and a [fountain] pen — that is true happiness.” – Winston Churchill
In addition, I love visiting the blog of Liz Steel (architect from Australia). She sketches every day – all sorts – using fountain pens, watercolours, and watercolour pencils. By exploring and developing your sketching skills, we all use sketches to communicate ideas and details from time to time, is a great way to elevate your style. More sophistication to your sketches. Learn how to add neat annotations, labels, how to use date stamps and more.

Liz Steel’s support board. See how she, cleverly and stylishly, composes all the different aspects together. Excellent layout! Ink (Lami Joy – fountain pen), and watercolour sketch. She is super quick. Credit: Liz Steel (sketching every day).
See Liz’s blog – so cool!
Alternatively, if you fancy pastels, you could extend the style of your sketches and diagrams with the use of colourful and quirky pastels combined with fountain pens.

Quick pastel sketch of a claw hammer. The Hammer is a pastel by Ryan Burton – May 2014. Credit: Ryan Burton.
I also include a good read from the Art of Manliness website:
- Shoe polish, shoe cream, and waterproofing spray will make you tap dance your way up into the stratosphere.
Taking care of your shoes, say so much about you. Make sure you have polish, shoe crème or waterproofing spray in your arsenal. Get into the habit to clean, or wipe your shoes every day. Do not leave the house with dirty, dull shoes! Have you ever seen a man wearing new stylish clothes but has neglected to clean his old shoes? It is so disappointing to see the man doing his best to look good – but it is an epic fail. Think of your shoes as the foundation of your style. To match the right shoes with the right outfit is an art. Invest in a full-body mirror. Use double-sided tape and fix the mirror to the inside of your clothing cupboard. Make sure you have a full view as yourself, including your shoes in the full view. You will make better decisions on which shoes to wear with certain clothes. The full view mirror will make you more aware of your dress style. It only takes seconds to make good decisions.
Here is some fresh advice on how to care for your shoes.
VIDEO: Shoe Care 101: Make Your Shoes Last Longer:
- ‘Grooming regularly will place you high up in the sky with the gods of aesthetics.’
The best thing you can teach your young boys is that sunburn will damage your skin forever. When you are young, you don’t believe it. Teenagers are bulletproof. However, as you get older, you regret having a don’t care attitude. So, teach the young boys and men about the destructive power of the sun. Men should use cosmetic products for their skin – yes, I said, establish a skincare routine. Here are some of the basics on men’s grooming:
- Two to three different pairs of glasses will add several layers of extinction to your persona (if you wear glasses or love sunglasses).
Nowadays you can get a second pair of glasses at half price when you buy a new pair of glasses. Invest in the second pair. It is worth every dollar! Having two pairs will change your styling life. When it comes to style, you will rock! Having two or more sets of glasses will elevate you into the realm of stylish people. Plan carefully on your choices; think about your clothes, your work and your weekends. How could you get the most out of your glasses? Think style. Here is some advice:
How To Find the Right Glasses For Your Face | GQ:
The ‘weight’ of your watch and rings could be a ‘king’s ransom’ for your style.
A watch seems to be an everyday accessory, right? Not wearing a wristwatch? Do you look at your phone to get the time? If you only your phone for telling the time, you have just reduced your style by 50%. Wearing a proper wristwatch will contribute to your overall style. Use it to your advantage! Here is some advice on wearing stylish watches and rings:
5 Watch Styles Every Man Should Know | Men’s Guide To Dress, Dive, Aviator, Field & Racing Watches:
5 Rules For Men Wearing Rings | Ring Symbolism & Significance:

Clean, polished dress shoes will make you ‘tap dancing’ in any crowd.

Quality dress shirts packaged to impress. There is nothing like a quality dress shirt that matches your trousers. Go for contrast! For example, black trousers with a white long sleeve shirt.
Read the guest post from Robert van Tongeren on the Art of Manliness website:
Additional information on Rex Trueform:
Relling and Sons clothing shop in Virginia: History [taken from the local newspaper, Die Volksblad (local newspaper), 2015]:
“Hans Relling het die winkel in Ventersburg oorgeneem, terwyl Ernst Rellings in Virginia begin het. Karel en Otto het by Jansenville in die Karoo geboer.
Toe Kroonstad sy bloeijare beleef het, het Rellings ook in dié dorp ’n vastrapplek gekry…Drie geslagte werk in harmonie saam by dié familiesaak. Rellings is reeds 96 jaar in die Vrystaat en 71 jaar in Kroonstad in diens van die gemeenskap.
“Die suksesresep vir Rellings om vir vier geslagte in Kroonstad en vyf geslagte in die Vrystaat te bestaan, is goeie verhoudinge met klante, puik diens en om altyd die beste gehalte teen die beste pryse te verskaf,” benadruk Jock Relling.
Berig deur: Die Volksblad (Gepubliseer op Apr 21, 2015)
“Hans Relling took over the shop in Ventersburg, while Ernst Relling began in Virginia. Karl Otto farmed at Jansenville in the Karoo. When Kroonstad experienced its boom years, Rellings got a foothold in this town… Three generations worked together in harmony in this family business. Rellings has been doing business for 96 years in the Free State and 71 years in Kroonstad, serving the community. Their recipe for success? ‘For Rellings to succeed for four generations in Kroonstad and five generations to do business in the Free State requires good relations with customers, excellent service, and always striving to provide the best possible quality products at the best prices’, emphasises Jock Relling.
Reported by: The Volksblad (Published on Apr 21, 2015)
Credit: Die Volksblad (local newspaper)
Interested in reading more on style and manliness?
Here is a link to a great article and website. ‘The Art of Manliness’ website.
Link: Style, Style & Grooming
Guest Contributor • October 29, 2014. Last updated: December 17, 2018
Book available on Amazon

Cover: Unstitching Rex Trueform: The Story of an African Factory (Lerma-C). By Ilze Wolff. Credit:
The blurb of the book from the website:
‘This dissertation is an interdisciplinary study of the Rex Trueform garment manufacturing factory in Salt River, Cape Town. It follows the narrative of the site from the date of completion of the first factory in 1938 up until conversion of the site into an office park in 2013. Architecturally, the buildings are key works by pioneer modernist architects, Policansky, Andrews and Niegeman. The analysis of the form and the space of the buildings is interlocked with an analysis of the conditions within which these distinct buildings were conceived and built. As 20th century industrial buildings in Cape Town, they are representative of a particular kind of modernity, one that is entangled with constructions of race, class and gender. The dissertation looks at how particular notions of race, class and gender were constructed, materialised and inscribed in the architectural form and space. The buildings are a primary archival source, but conversational interviews with exworkers begin to give a glimpse of what it was like to work for Rex Trueform, considered as a significant company in the clothing manufacturing industry. Visual material, drawings and film footage, tracks the architectural development of the site, linking it with key moments in the political life of South Africa. This raises questions around the relationship between the apartheid state-endorsed white capital and disenfranchised black labour. Race and identity is a key theme, questioning the role that industry, sociology and apartheid played in the constructions and stabilising thereof with the Cape factory as a primary site. The buildings, situated both in the historical time as well as in the contemporary postapartheid framework, offer multiple readings of how space and architecture contributed towards ascribing identities onto people and how these ascribed identities were and are being contested and disrupted. The dissertation thus raises questions of how the modern city of Cape Town was produced by looking at some of the socio-political conditions under which Rex Trueform, a major industrial site, was developed.’
See the website of Rex Trueform:

Logo of Rex Trueform.
Rex Trueform Group Limited (formerly Rex Trueform Clothing Company Limited) is currently invested in the property and retail segments. Its interest in retail is through its wholly-owned subsidiary company, Queenspark Proprietary Limited. Rex’s interest in property includes direct property ownership and indirect property investment through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Queenspark Distribution Centre Proprietary Limited. Rex changed its name to Rex Trueform Group Limited to better reflect the diverse nature of its business. Source:
More on Style (Manliness):

Credit image: Art of Manliness website.
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