By William Van Zyl Published in Oct 2024 Rosetta Spacecraft? You have heard the name Rosetta before, right? This article focuses on a spacecraft named ‘Rosetta.‘ Champollion deciphered the renowned Egyptian Rosetta Stone; this article is about another Rosetta—the Rosetta Spacecraft. Humans want to decipher mysteries. The first one was the Egyptian hieroglyphs. Champollion did… Continue reading Rosetta Spacecraft: Deciphering the Code?
Category: STEM Education
STEM Education – Articles and Lessons.
Puma Punku – Stone Engineering from Outer Space?
By William Van Zyl Published in October 2024 Beneath the brooding skies of ancient Bolivia, the air vibrates with an enigmatic pulse, as if the universe itself holds its breath. Colossal stones, defying the laws of earthly strength, levitate as though cradled by unseen hands. Shadows of alien figures move with deliberate grace, orchestrating a… Continue reading Puma Punku – Stone Engineering from Outer Space?
Peck and Hide. Hide and Peck.
By William Van Zyl Published on 14 September 2024 A trained pigeon is guiding a WW2 missile and is on its way to take out the enemy. The missile is gliding towards a giant battleship in the ocean. Sounds far-fetched? Read on; it’s a true story. “Tap-tap-tap” sounds the copper-covered beak as it touches the… Continue reading Peck and Hide. Hide and Peck.
Literature Review: 21st Century Skills Required by Employers.
BY William Van Zyl Published on July 20, 2024. In the rapidly evolving 21st-century landscape, employers’ skills requirements have significantly shifted. The World Economic Forum (2015) highlights key competencies that are essential for modern workplaces, including solving real-life problems, collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, innovation, teamwork, and communication. This literature review explores these skills, synthesising relevant… Continue reading Literature Review: 21st Century Skills Required by Employers.
Literature Review (Short Summary) – ‘Developing High School Students’ Data and Graph Interpreting Skills in the Context of IoT and Greenhouse Management.’
By William Van Zyl Published on July 20, 2024 Objective: This literature review explores research on developing high school students’ data and graph interpreting skills, focusing on integrating IoT and greenhouse management. The study uses Microbit and Arduino microprocessors to monitor variables, specifically focusing on understanding the mini-greenhouse system’s temperature (and moisture) fluctuations. Keywords: Mini-greenhouse,… Continue reading Literature Review (Short Summary) – ‘Developing High School Students’ Data and Graph Interpreting Skills in the Context of IoT and Greenhouse Management.’
Enhancing Secondary School Students’ Data Analysis and Chart Interpretation Abilities (Vertical Skyfarm Design – Minecraft Education).
By William N. Van Zyl Published 20 July 2024 Are you looking for innovative ways to improve high school students’ data analysis and chart interpretation abilities? Look no further. As an experienced secondary school Technology teacher, I’d like to share my research project with you. At the end of this article, I include how you… Continue reading Enhancing Secondary School Students’ Data Analysis and Chart Interpretation Abilities (Vertical Skyfarm Design – Minecraft Education).
Embedding Māori Architectural Principles into Modern Sustainable Architecture: A Case Study – Fallingwater (Frank Lloyd Wright).
By William Van Zyl. Published in March 2024 Incorporating Māori architectural shapes and forms into a modern architectural house design while emphasising sustainability can create a unique and culturally rich living space. Here are some ideas to achieve this: Combining modern architectural principles with Māori shapes, forms, and cultural elements allows you to create a… Continue reading Embedding Māori Architectural Principles into Modern Sustainable Architecture: A Case Study – Fallingwater (Frank Lloyd Wright).
Mirror Opens Ancient Temple Door.
By William Van Zyl – Published in December 2023. A tiny beam of light – entering from a slit in the roof of the cave – shines like a long shaft of enlightenment onto the rugged cave floor. Thousands specks of dust – hundreds of years asleep – are disturbed. They wake up. The ancient… Continue reading Mirror Opens Ancient Temple Door.
Influential Theorists for Action Research in Education.
By William Van Zyl (Published in September 2023). In this article I list, and summarise, the most influential theorists for Action Research in Education. I focus on researching in a High School context to provide a backdrop. I also include a research title as a specific focus to explain Action Research in simple terms. Title (STEM… Continue reading Influential Theorists for Action Research in Education.
Swallowing a Bicycle Wheel, Fishline, and Ballast.
By William Van Zyl Published on 20 May 2023 At 6:05 am, the two workmen in their high-vis vests were on duty in the street that runs past the Banco Rio in Buenos Aires. The lid of the maintenance hole situated in the road – on the side, out of the main traffic flow –… Continue reading Swallowing a Bicycle Wheel, Fishline, and Ballast.
When stories lose their lustre, and children’s creativity and innovation plummet.
By William Van Zyl Published in March 2023 Listen to the podcast: “I am tired of all these Bible stories. Reading the devotionals and doing these prayers all the time is too much for me!?” said the young Alexander. “You will sit down and read the Bible Story; you will listen and pray before… Continue reading When stories lose their lustre, and children’s creativity and innovation plummet.
Creatica: A Believers Guide to Perfectica.
By William Van Zyl Published on July 6, 2019. Edited in 2023. Before the year 3000, the earth was teeming with life. Natural life. But, catastrophically, the earth’s environment has collapsed. The destructive weight of industrial pollution, irresponsible disposal of effluent, and uncontrolled radioactive waste have crushed all life on earth as we know it.… Continue reading Creatica: A Believers Guide to Perfectica.
By William Van Zyl First published on October 16, 2017 Second publishing 2021. Edited in 2023. Synopsis This resource introduces a simple lesson of cardmaking with electrical circuits. STEM & STEAM focus. The project – a greeting card – includes cardboard, and an elementary electrical circuit running on 3 Volts (coin battery). The sticky copper strip circuit for… Continue reading LED LIGHTS AND CIRCUITRY(ELECTRICITY, DIAGRAMS, AND PROGRAMMING): A LED AND COPPER TAPE GREETING CARD PROJECT
Quartz Crystal Clocks Vibrates at 32,768 per Second. Are Humans also Vibrating?
By William Van Zyl Published on April 20, 2021. Edited and republished in January 2023. Tick, tock, tick, tock, … you are reading a time-clock. Isn’t that just stunning? I mean in one second you have to count from 1 to 32,768 – it is humanly impossible. It is this vibration that has me in… Continue reading Quartz Crystal Clocks Vibrates at 32,768 per Second. Are Humans also Vibrating?
How can a quartz crystal ‘pace’ a clock? On the other hand, how can a belief ‘pace’ a human being?
By William Van Zyl First published on April 20, 2021 (republished on January 5, 2023). Tick, tock, tick, tock, … you are reading a time-clock. Isn’t that just stunning? I mean in one second you have to count from 1 to 32,768 – it is humanly impossible. It is this vibration that has me in… Continue reading How can a quartz crystal ‘pace’ a clock? On the other hand, how can a belief ‘pace’ a human being?
The Code that took Humans to the Moon.
By William Van Zyl Published December, 23 2022 You may also want to listen to the podcast: ————————-0—————————- “Five minutes before landing.” “Three minutes before landing,” said the leader of the mission. All eyes were fixated on the large black-and-white screen. “Houston, we have a problem!” “What! What is the problem?” “Listen to the… Continue reading The Code that took Humans to the Moon.
Do these things – right now – to elevate creativity and innovation.
By William Van Zyl Published in November 2022. “I am not going to suffocate my children with literacy and numeracy. I don’t care what people – and even teachers – say. I want my children to be creative and innovative,” said the agitated mother. “My kids come home from school, and they express their boredom.… Continue reading Do these things – right now – to elevate creativity and innovation.
World War 3 Victory Gardens: ThingSpeak and Eels save the day.
By William Van Zyl. Published on November 8, 2022. A high-frequency air raid siren goes off above Jacob’s head. He flinches. Urgent notifications ping on his phone – a row of warnings. His wife clings to his arm in the anti-nuclear bunker. Two large grey-coloured grasshoppers with huge eyes are looking into one another’s eyes.… Continue reading World War 3 Victory Gardens: ThingSpeak and Eels save the day.
Crystal Radio shortens Gravedigger’s night.
By William Van Zyl – Published June 2022. *Listen to the podcast while reading: “At the sound of the gong, it will be exactly 1 am on 2ZC radio.” “B-O-I-I-I-N-G” “You are listening to the music selected by Dave – Dave Marney,” announced the broadcaster. “Our next song is a song that goes with… Continue reading Crystal Radio shortens Gravedigger’s night.
Introducing the Arduino Uno – a pioneering digital framework – to prepare students for 21-st century problem-solving. Five Journal Entries – A critical reflection.
By William Van Zyl (2022) Download the PDF for free: Product details: 24 pages, 5551 words. APA referenced. 5 x journal entries – Implementation of the Arduino Uno – In a secondary school classroom. Abstract: After reflecting on my own practice as a secondary school teacher in NZ, I have implemented the Arduino Uno.… Continue reading Introducing the Arduino Uno – a pioneering digital framework – to prepare students for 21-st century problem-solving. Five Journal Entries – A critical reflection.