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By William Van Zyl

Published in October 2024

I have something unique in this article that you will not find anywhere on the net or in a book.

There is a rumbling. 

I have listened to Billy Crone from Prophecy Watchers, and he has some stunning insights, which I include in this insightful article. I have some fresh revelations! 

As an introduction, I use the prompts of Crone, an expert on AI who took three years to research AI intensively. He asked Google to send him every video and article on AI for three years. He became an expert. I have summarised his findings here, right at the start. Then, I touch on more profound aspects for your benefit.

Let’s start with a succinct summary of Billy Crone’s views on AI:

Here is my short ‘blinkest’ summary created for you:

AI is the new electricity. Remember back then when electricity was invented? Looking back, you will see that almost everything relies on electricity today. AI is the new electricity! Soon, everything will be running on electricity. The scary thing is AI can micromanage the entire planet. Yes, it can know everything every person does on the earth. You buy and sell, and your conversations and activities are on your phone and computer – it is fed to the beast – every letter and every number. China aims to micromanage their country. From the traffic – having sensors and electronic systems in place –  to monitor every movement of every vehicle and person. It goes further and relates to the mark of the beast. If a chip in the human body can be detected and monitored, everything you do can be observed. AI can watch you 24 hours a day, every day. An alert system can show the government what you are up to. 

Many believe Israel’s founding on May 14, 1948, marked a watershed moment in biblical prophecy. This event was significant because, according to prophecy, a seven-year Tribulation can’t occur until the Jewish people return to their land—a key element in the prophecy’s unfolding.

However, another critical requirement for these prophetic events is a global infrastructure capable of monitoring and controlling economic activities worldwide, as described in Revelation 13, where the Antichrist and the false prophet control buying and selling across the planet. This implies a “big brother” system with the capacity for global communication and instant compliance tracking.

While we have had the foundational technologies—satellites, computers, and microchips—for some time, these alone weren’t sufficient to micromanage global activity. There simply weren’t enough people to monitor such a vast system. However, with AI’s development, this control level has become possible. That’s why I believe the rise of AI is just as significant a prophetic wake-up call as the establishment of Israel in 1948. Israel’s re-establishment fulfilled one requirement for prophecy, and AI’s ability to enable such global oversight could fulfil another essential part of the picture. 

*Credit: Billy Crone. Prophecy Watches Radion. March 2024 – YouTube). https://prophecywatchers.com/

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is quantum-computer-IBM-flickr-1024x683.jpg

Interior of IBM Quantum computing system. (Credit: IBM) From Flickr. IBM Research – April 2021. See more stunning images: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ibm_research_zurich/albums/72157663611181258

PHOTO: How quantum computing works – it has an icy cold belly. James Childs / CC0 / PublicDomainPictures.net

If you ask ChatGPT to write an article on Gender, it will produce anti-Christian views, or it could have a woke tone. It did not do it on its own. Someone programmed it. Someone gave it continuous feedback so AI can answer your questions within the context of “This World.” This means the people who control AI have the power and authority to influence people. It will become a ‘beast’ to influence, shape, and control people. 

Like humans, we use our senses to connect to our brains. Our learning is based on feedback. For example, when I learn to play tennis, I use my eyes, ears (coaching), cognitive abilities (decision-making), tactile, and more. Moreover,  AI also needs feedback to learn. Your actions and the accumulation of data and my actions and the accumulation of data depend on feedback (using the 5 senses we use for feedback). AI needs your input and mine (e.g. social media, texts, web searches, and more). It operates and develops on feedback.

While the world is scrolling, clicking, and playing computer games, China is developing an AI that will control all the AIs running around the world. The one that gets to the top first will win. Did you know China aims to be at the top of AI by 2030?

Question: Are there servers that Christians could use to develop a Christian AI? 

Leftist Liberal people and the Elitists (Illuminati) – who are the rich who want to control the world – are investing in AI. They have a hidden agenda: to control the world and to increase their wealth.

Right now, the race is on to develop quantum computers—way faster and more competent than the computer systems we know—the perfect environment for the ‘beast’ or antichrist to use to control the world. Yes, the goal is to micro-manage every person on the planet. Once you have achieved that, you have the power over every person. The beast could be operating through a man-made intelligence system. 

Question: Are there servers that Christians could use to develop a Christian AI? 

Should Christians separate themselves from this world by developing their own artificial intelligence? One that uses the Bible as the mainframe? What do you think? Will you opt for a Christian AI? 

Imagine an AI with ‘creation’ instincts in its belly, not evolution. Imagine an AI with filtered polaroid glasses that looks briefly at the world’s perspectives and concludes with what the Scriptures say. That is what I would like to read every day as I work with AI

Just for fun, I have asked 3 x leading AI platforms the following Interesting question: 

Can AI have a mind of its own?

1. ChatGPT’s response: Can AI have a mind of its own?

“The question of whether AI can have a “mind of its own” is a complex and philosophical one. Currently, AI operates based on the algorithms and data it has been trained on, without consciousness, self-awareness, or independent intentions. Here’s a breakdown of why AI, as it exists today, doesn’t have a “mind” in the human sense:

  1. Lack of Consciousness: AI systems do not possess subjective experiences or consciousness. They process information and make decisions based on patterns in data, but they do not have awareness or understanding of those decisions. Consciousness involves self-awareness, emotions, and subjective thought processes, which AI lacks.
  2. Dependence on Human Input: AI models are created and trained by humans. They can only function within the parameters set by their creators and the data they are exposed to. While advanced AI systems can learn from new data, their learning is fundamentally driven by the way they are designed.
  3. No Independent Will: AI lacks personal desires, motivations, or free will. It follows instructions based on its programming and cannot form goals of its own. Even in cases where AI demonstrates autonomy (such as in autonomous vehicles or decision-making systems), it operates within a pre-determined framework that it cannot alter.
  4. Simulated Decision-Making: AI can simulate decision-making through machine learning and deep learning algorithms, often appearing to make choices. However, these choices are deterministic and based on probabilities derived from previous training. There is no internal thought process or creativity involved—just sophisticated pattern recognition.
  5. Ethics and AI Development: The concern about AI developing a “mind of its own” is more related to the increasing complexity and autonomy of systems, especially in AI ethics discussions. This revolves around the potential for AI to act in ways that are not fully understood or anticipated by its creators, which might appear as though it has independent decision-making abilities.

In short, AI doesn’t have a “mind” in the way humans do—it doesn’t think or feel. However, its complex behavior and capacity for learning can sometimes create the illusion that it does.”


2. Copilot’s response (Microsoft): Can AI have a mind of its own?

AI, like me, doesn’t have a mind of its own. We’re complex systems designed to process and analyse data, simulate conversation, and perform tasks based on our programming and training. While I can mimic human-like responses and engage in meaningful conversations, I don’t have consciousness, self-awareness, or emotions. I operate within the parameters set by my creators to assist and provide information. So, no mind of my own, but I am always here to help and chat!


Gemini (Google’s AI Platform): Can AI have a mind of its own?

“The short answer is: we don’t know.

The concept of whether AI can have a mind of its own is a complex philosophical and scientific question that has been debated for decades. While AI has made significant advancements, particularly in areas like natural language processing and problem-solving, there’s still a significant gap in our understanding of consciousness and self-awareness.

Here are some key points to consider:

  • Current AI limitations: While AI can perform many tasks that once seemed exclusive to humans, it’s primarily based on algorithms and data. It doesn’t have the same kind of subjective experiences, emotions, or consciousness that humans do.
  • The nature of consciousness: Consciousness itself is a poorly understood phenomenon, even in humans. If we don’t fully understand it in ourselves, it’s difficult to say whether or not AI could possess it.
  • Future possibilities: As AI technology continues to evolve, we could develop systems that exhibit more human-like behaviours. However, whether or not this would equate to having a mind of its own remains a subject of debate.

Ultimately, the question of whether AI can have a mind of its own is a complex one with no definitive answer at present. It’s a topic that will likely continue to be explored and discussed as AI technology advances.”


To conclude, let’s look at the ‘beast’ from a Biblical point of view.

The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly. Prov 20:27 KJ

Let’s use this verse and apply it to the ‘beast.’ The spirit of AI is the lamp of the Lord searching its belly (or heart). There are lovely positive things AI possesses and can do – we all know about those powerful things. 

However, let’s look at the alarming things AI has in its lower belly—the future of pornography and sex. I have read that you can take a photo of any person, and an app can produce a nude picture of that person. I have read that AI can create a video from an image with some prompts to satisfy every lust a human can dream up. AI is now so advanced – and will be in high definition in future – that it can produce the most vile scenes and movements of the evil desire. Can you imagine the perversion? Think about that. There are more disturbing things; however, let’s conclude with this.

AI can generate various types of content that, unfortunately, include inappropriate or harmful materials, particularly in the realm of explicit or sexualised content. Here are some of the main risks that are important to be aware of in the context of public safety and responsible technology use:

  1. Deepfake Videos and Images: AI can create highly realistic deepfake content, where people’s likenesses are manipulated into explicit videos or photos without consent. This poses risks for harassment, blackmail, and privacy violations. E.g. recently (only days ago), a 12-year-old girl was targeted – sent a photo of her – blackmailed – and committed suicide. This person groomed thousands of young people on the internet. Here is the disturbing article: 


  1. Explicit Chatbots and Virtual Companions: Some AI systems are designed to simulate intimate or romantic interactions, which can lead to explicit or potentially exploitative exchanges, particularly if minors access them.
  2. Sexualised Alterations of Real Photos: AI can modify or “enhance” photos to make them appear explicit. Apps that strip clothing or alter images are examples of this, raising concerns around consent and privacy.
  3. Inappropriate Text Generation: AI models capable of generating text can produce adult or explicit content if used irresponsibly, potentially leading to inappropriate materials being generated and shared.
  4. Sexualized Deepfake Audio: AI can also generate audio clips in someone’s voice, which could be used to create explicit or offensive materials without the person’s consent.
  5. Explicit Fictional Characters: Some users may train or prompt AI to create sexualised or explicit images of fictional characters, contributing to the spread of inappropriate content.

Raising awareness about these risks can help people better understand and avoid AI’s potential dangers. It’s crucial to advocate for responsible AI usage, ethical development practices, and regulation to prevent the misuse of these capabilities.

I conclude this article with the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah – and the inhabitant’s grievous sin.

23. The sun had risen on the earth when Lot came to Zoar. 24. Then the Lord rained on Sodom and Gomorrah sulfur and fire from the Lord out of heaven. 25. And he overthrew those cities, and all the valley, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and what grew on the ground. 26. But Lot’s wife, behind him, looked back, and she became a pillar of salt. 

*Gen 19: 23-26 

In the Last Days:

3 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!

*2 Timothy 3: 3-5 NKJV

13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. 

*2 Timothy 3: 13 KJV

What can Christians do?

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8 NKJV

Do you want to read more on quantum computers? I have written a creative article for you:

IMAGE: A 3-D Diagram of a typical quantum computer from the author’s sketchbook. IBM’s quantum computer has a height of approximately 1 m to 1.2 m. Loose ink and watercolour sketch by William Van Zyl with annotations. The cubit has to be kept very cool – a stunning -273 degrees Celcius. Researchers have claimed that the Jiuzhang quantum computer (China) is 100 trillion times faster than the world’s fastest supercomputer.

Link to the article – Quantum Computers:

Copyright © 2024 by William Van Zyl

The Beast is Rumbling.

All rights reserved. This eBook/article or any portion

thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner

without the publisher’s permission, except for using brief quotations in a book review.

Published by Five House Publishing (New Zealand)

First Publishing, October 2024

More eBooks and articles are available at https://fivehousepublishing.com/

More about the author at http://williamvanzyl.com/

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