Lead me to the Rock that is Higher than I.

By William Van Zyl Published on 25 September 2024 David refers to the Rock—his Rock and Fortress—in the Psalms. Where did he get this idea from?  The Rock is the Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 10:4; Psalm 89:26), and He is that same Rock yesterday, today, and forever, He does not change (Hebrews 13:8). Where… Continue reading Lead me to the Rock that is Higher than I.

The Writing Skills of a King.

. By William Van Zyl Published in August 2024 ‘Deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterfalls; All Your waves and billows have gone over me.’ What a stunning descriptive line! It encapsulates the most profound emotions. He calls from his deepest needs and troubled emotional place, raising a distress call. David seeks… Continue reading The Writing Skills of a King.

Writing Skills – Wood and Stone: How Prophecy Changes Everything.

By William Van Zyl (Published in 2021 & Edited in 2024) Fantasy Prophecy is a fascinating and compelling technique for Writing Fiction and Non-fiction. Prophecies, or prophecies, can add a fascinating plotline to a novel. They give depth, cleverly weave mystery and suspense into the fabric of the story, elevate the storyline, and intrigue! [Prophesy]… Continue reading Writing Skills – Wood and Stone: How Prophecy Changes Everything.

The Machinery behind the Words.

By William Van Zyl. Published January 24, 2023. You can’t see the inside of an engine. You can hear, smell, and feel it, but you can’t see the inside rock, spin, and roll. The spinning cogs, the rotating gears and the rocking rods vibrate harmonically together to produce power. What a machine. Fire and lightning… Continue reading The Machinery behind the Words.

One Flew over the Bionic Flying Fox’s Nest.

By William Van Zyl (June 2021) Vintery, mintery, cutery, corn,Apple seed and apple thorn,Wire, briar, limber lockThree geese in a flockOne flew EastOne flew WestAnd one flew over the Bionic Flying Fox’s nest. ———————-0—————————– In the artificial nest lay two eggs – not a bird in sight. Below the nest – and interwoven in the… Continue reading One Flew over the Bionic Flying Fox’s Nest.

Writing Skills – Wood and Stone: How Prophecy Changes Everything.

*Comparing and contrasting the novels Moby Dick (by Herman Melville), and Macbeth (by William Shakespeare). By William Van Zyl (Published in 2021) Article. *Listen to the podcast of the full article: https://www.podbean.com/player-v2/?i=w289b-1022217-pb&from=embed&square=1&share=1&download=1&skin=1&btn-skin=7&size=300 Fantasy Prophecy is a fascinating and compelling technique for Writing Fiction and Non-fiction. Prophecies, or a prophecy, can add a fascinating plotline to… Continue reading Writing Skills – Wood and Stone: How Prophecy Changes Everything.