By William Van Zyl (2022) Download the PDF for free: Product details: 24 pages, 5551 words. APA referenced. 5 x journal entries – Implementation of the Arduino Uno – In a secondary school classroom. Abstract: After reflecting on my own practice as a secondary school teacher in NZ, I have implemented the Arduino Uno.… Continue reading Introducing the Arduino Uno – a pioneering digital framework – to prepare students for 21-st century problem-solving. Five Journal Entries – A critical reflection.
Tag: electronics
Introducing the Arduino Uno – a pioneering digital framework – to prepare students for 21-st century problem-solving. Five Journal Entries – A critical reflection. 
By William Van Zyl (March 5, 2022) Referencing this article: Van Zyl, W. N. (2022). Introducing the Arduino Uno – a pioneering digital framework – to prepare students for 21st-century problem-solving. Five Journal Entries – A critical reflection. Five House Publishing. Abstract: After reflecting on my own practice as a secondary school teacher in… Continue reading Introducing the Arduino Uno – a pioneering digital framework – to prepare students for 21-st century problem-solving. Five Journal Entries – A critical reflection. 
Learn Technology through Arts and Crafts: for 12-year-old to 16-year-old students. Primary and Secondary School. Integrated Learning. Global Citizenship. Critical Thinking. Electrical Circuits. Programming. Multi-materials.
Learn Technology through Arts and Crafts. STEM Project-Based Learning. Lesson objectives: 1. Research and investigate simple electrical circuits 2. Design a simple greeting card containing a Led light (or more) that could light up 3. Develop artistic skills (arts and crafts). Explore cardmaking ideas 4. Learn how a coin battery, copper tape (sticky), a switch, and a… Continue reading Learn Technology through Arts and Crafts: for 12-year-old to 16-year-old students. Primary and Secondary School. Integrated Learning. Global Citizenship. Critical Thinking. Electrical Circuits. Programming. Multi-materials.