By William Van Zyl Published in November 2022. “I am not going to suffocate my children with literacy and numeracy. I don’t care what people – and even teachers – say. I want my children to be creative and innovative,” said the agitated mother. “My kids come home from school, and they express their boredom.… Continue reading Do these things – right now – to elevate creativity and innovation.
Tag: digital technology
Introducing the Arduino Uno – a pioneering digital framework – to prepare students for 21-st century problem-solving. Five Journal Entries – A critical reflection.
By William Van Zyl (2022) Download the PDF for free: Product details: 24 pages, 5551 words. APA referenced. 5 x journal entries – Implementation of the Arduino Uno – In a secondary school classroom. Abstract: After reflecting on my own practice as a secondary school teacher in NZ, I have implemented the Arduino Uno.… Continue reading Introducing the Arduino Uno – a pioneering digital framework – to prepare students for 21-st century problem-solving. Five Journal Entries – A critical reflection.
Introducing the Arduino Uno – a pioneering digital framework – to prepare students for 21-st century problem-solving. Five Journal Entries – A critical reflection. 
By William Van Zyl (March 5, 2022) Referencing this article: Van Zyl, W. N. (2022). Introducing the Arduino Uno – a pioneering digital framework – to prepare students for 21st-century problem-solving. Five Journal Entries – A critical reflection. Five House Publishing. Abstract: After reflecting on my own practice as a secondary school teacher in… Continue reading Introducing the Arduino Uno – a pioneering digital framework – to prepare students for 21-st century problem-solving. Five Journal Entries – A critical reflection. 
Learn Technology through Arts and Crafts: for 12-year-old to 16-year-old students. Primary and Secondary School. Integrated Learning. Global Citizenship. Critical Thinking. Electrical Circuits. Programming. Multi-materials.
By William Van Zyl (edited in 2021) Synopsis: This resource introduces a simple lesson of cardmaking with electrical circuits. STEM & STEAM focus. The project – a greeting card – includes cardboard, and an elementary electrical circuit running on 3 Volts (coin battery). The sticky copper strip circuit for the card involves the 3-Volt battery,… Continue reading Learn Technology through Arts and Crafts: for 12-year-old to 16-year-old students. Primary and Secondary School. Integrated Learning. Global Citizenship. Critical Thinking. Electrical Circuits. Programming. Multi-materials.
Entering a dark, humid cave – lit up by cat-eyed, yellow fiery flies – could turn your thinking upside down.
By William Van Zyl (March 2021) On Friday, 5 March 2021, I stepped into the unknown. It was dark, humid, and very black. Yellow cat-eyes stared at me from the ground. It was evenly spaced and extended way ahead of me. Where could it lead? It took some time for my sensitive eyes to adapt… Continue reading Entering a dark, humid cave – lit up by cat-eyed, yellow fiery flies – could turn your thinking upside down.
Sensors: Maintaining the eco-equilibrium of sensitive limestone caves in New Zealand. STEM and Digital Technologies -Programming microprocessors as sensors to improve cave sustainability (Micro:bit and MakerBot – mBot).
By William Van Zyl Thinking of the sustainability of a cave is not something that comes to mind naturally. It requires prompts: What choice of materials is best for constructing the walkways? What type of lighting is best? Could the electrical system of the cave be powered via solar power? To what extent could sensors,… Continue reading Sensors: Maintaining the eco-equilibrium of sensitive limestone caves in New Zealand. STEM and Digital Technologies -Programming microprocessors as sensors to improve cave sustainability (Micro:bit and MakerBot – mBot).
Sensors: Maintaining the eco-equilibrium of sensitive limestone caves in New Zealand. STEM and Digital Technologies -Programming microprocessors as sensors to improve cave sustainability (Micro:bit and MakerBot – mBot).
By William Van Zyl Thinking of the sustainability of a cave is not something that comes to mind naturally. It requires prompts: What choice of materials is best for constructing the walkways? What type of lighting is best? Could the electrical system of the cave be powered via solar power? To what extent could sensors,… Continue reading Sensors: Maintaining the eco-equilibrium of sensitive limestone caves in New Zealand. STEM and Digital Technologies -Programming microprocessors as sensors to improve cave sustainability (Micro:bit and MakerBot – mBot).