Evolution against the Ropes?

William Van Zyl Published October 2024 In the charged arena of the ring, a fierce symphony of jabs and dodges unfolded—a tense dance between Evo, the “Tree,” and Craytah, known as “The Rock.” With each punch and block, the crowd held its breath, watching two fighters test each other’s resilience, skill, and willpower.  Craytah’s feint—a… Continue reading Evolution against the Ropes?

Rosetta Spacecraft: Deciphering the Code?

By William Van Zyl Published in Oct 2024 Rosetta Spacecraft? You have heard the name Rosetta before, right? This article focuses on a spacecraft named ‘Rosetta.‘ Champollion deciphered the renowned Egyptian Rosetta Stone; this article is about another Rosetta—the Rosetta Spacecraft.  Humans want to decipher mysteries. The first one was the Egyptian hieroglyphs. Champollion did… Continue reading Rosetta Spacecraft: Deciphering the Code?