By William Van Zyl
Published on April 20, 2021.
Edited and republished in January 2023.
Tick, tock, tick, tock, … you are reading a time-clock.

Isn’t that just stunning? I mean in one second you have to count from 1 to 32,768 – it is humanly impossible. It is this vibration that has me in awe in this article. Wait for it. That same 32,768-quartz-crystal makes a clock tick at one beat per second! But how?
It all started when my wife asked me to replace the batteries of two of the quartz clocks in our home. You will see them. They run on penlight batteries (AA). One of the clocks casings are translucent; the mechanisms are visible through the light-grey case. It is very inexpensive and costs about $5 to $12 (US). Why all the fuss about such a cheap product? That is precisely the point—the miracle in the $8 mechanism. I have searched how a quartz clock works; you don’t have to. It is then that I discovered the super brilliant video of Steve Mould on quartz clocks. Make sure you view it! Amazing video. Don’t miss it!
As I have promised:

- Video showing how a quartz clock works
- I have made some freehand sketches in my sketchbook. I share them.
- Here is a picture showing the inside of such an inexpensive clock mechanism.
- This great video (link below image) captures a quartz mechanism’s essence and captures its workings.
- Eternity ‘pulsing’ in the heart of man?
- Are humans wired for religion or worship? Let’s investigate.
- The Trinity (Christian perspective) is summed up in the following verse. The 3 are merged: 3 in 1:
- Here are 4 fun facts about the heart.
- Notes and facts:
- Copyright © 2021 William Van Zyl
- Get the Name of the Dog. By William Van Zyl. Published in December 2022. – The Extravagant Podcast
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- About Post Author
Table of Contents
Video showing how a quartz clock works
This great video captures the essence of a quartz mechanism and how it works in simple terms. The reduction (or adaptation) of the vibration is communicated visually with stunningly simple illustrations. The video is so inspiring that it ignited my interest and inspired me to write this article.
See how Steve Mould explains – with passion – how a quartz clock works.
I have made some freehand sketches in my sketchbook. I share them.

FROM MY SKETCHBOOK: Freehand sketches of the intricate workings of a quartz clock. Watercolours and pencil. Annotations – black ink (fountain pen). Credit: Author

FROM MY SKETCHBOOK: Diagram showing how the different components work together. Credit: Author

FROM MY SKETCHBOOK: The 3D-sketch shows an exploded view of the different parts and how it all fits together. Credit: Author
Here is a picture showing the inside of such an inexpensive clock mechanism.

Picture of a quartz crystal resonator (quartz oscillator), used as the timekeeping component in quartz watches and clocks, with the case removed. It is formed in the shape of a tuning fork. Most such quartz clock crystals vibrate at a frequency of 32,768 Hz. Credit:

Basic quartz wristwatch movement. Bottom right: quartz crystal oscillator (silver tube), left bottom: cell watch battery (coin shape), top right: oscillator counter (in the black cover), top left: the coil of the stepper motor that powers the watch hands. Credit:
This great video (link below image) captures a quartz mechanism’s essence and captures its workings.
The reduction (or adaptation) of the vibration is communicated visually with stunningly simple illustrations. The video is so inspiring that it ignited my interest and inspired me to continue writing this article.
Eternity ‘pulsing’ in the heart of man?
What got my attention is that is it possible that a similar ‘tuning fork’ (eternity oscillating in the human heart) has been placed inside the heart of every person by God?
11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11
I wonder at what rate does eternity vibrates in the heart? What could a diagram look like? What are the different components? Do you have any ideas?
Are humans wired for religion or worship? Let’s investigate.
Throughout the ages (since creation about 4,000 years ago) the symbols and landmarks –‘eternity in the heart of man’– are visible all over the earth. Lost empires and lost cultures. Archaeologists have uncovered so much on all the ancient cultures around the world. So much is revealed, and much remains a mystery. Think of Egypt, the Aztecs, the Mayans, and more. However, it seems like all civilisations worshipped something. Something of all-encompassing importance.
The ancient civilisations – for example, Egypt – shows one such important aspect: Worshipping their gods and the Pharaohs. The Pharaohs endeavoured to enter the afterlife as gods. It seems like humans want to worship something; something or someone that is outside themselves. Something or someone that is powerful has control and someone who has a profound influence in their lives. It includes the force of nature (seeking bumper crops and increase), health, wisdom, sex, and wealth.’ The most important and most powerful god of the Egyptians (belief-system) is Ra the Sun-god:
Later in Egyptian history, Ra (the god of the Sun) was merged with the god of wind, Amun, making him the most powerful of all the Egyptian gods. Amun-Ra was so mighty that even the Boy King, Tutankhamun, was named after him – translated his name means “Living image of Amun”.
The Trinity (Christian perspective) is summed up in the following verse. The 3 are merged: 3 in 1:
“And the Holy Spirit descended upon Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove, and a voice came out of heaven, “You are My [the Father’s] beloved Son, in You I am well-pleased.” Luke 3:22
It seems like the human heart (and the brain) is wired for worship. Did the ancient civilisations experience and developed this god-consciousness? See the work of Andrew Newberg on the wiring of the brain.
Andrew Newberg, a neuroscientist who studies the brain in light of religious experience, has spent his career following this hunch. “If you contemplate God long enough,” he writes in How God Changes Your Brain, “something surprising happens in the brain. Neural functioning begins to change. Different circuits become activated, while others become deactivated. New dendrites are formed, new synaptic connections are made, and the brain becomes more sensitive to subtle realms of experience. Perceptions alter, beliefs begin to change, and if God has meaning for you, then God becomes neurologically real.” Credit: BBC.
Here is the second explosion. Could the heart be the ‘quartz crystal’ that pulses with the need for religion and worship? Pacing the brain (soul). Think about the video of Steve Mould, where he uses the electromagnet (steel rule and magnet), to explain the quartz clock, could the human heart have the same function?
The heart is the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy in the human body, producing the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field of any of the body’s organs. … The heart’s magnetic field can be measured several feet away from the body by sensitive magnetometers.
Our heart will beat on average 100,000 times each day. Is it a resonating ‘tuning fork’ – similar to the quartz crystal mechanism – embedded in the human soul or heart? Is the level of consciousness (and experience) – ‘the electromagnetism’ – related to our openness to faith and religion as Newberg suggests? The notion seems true. The heart also has a memory similar to our brain.
Here are 4 fun facts about the heart.
· An electrical system controls the rhythm of your heart. It’s called the cardiac conduction system.
· The heart can continue beating even when it’s disconnected from the body.
· The first open-heart surgery occurred in 1893. It was performed by Daniel Hale Williams, who was one of the few black cardiologists in the United States at the time.
· The first implantable pacemaker was used in 1958. Arne Larsson, who received the pacemaker, lived longer than the surgeon who implanted it. Larsson died at 86 of a disease that was unrelated to his heart.
Notes and facts:

Powers of 2
Now let’s take a look at powers of 2. If you notice, the sum of the numbers is Row 0 is 1 or 2^0. Similarly, in Row 1, the sum of the numbers is 1+1 = 2 = 2^1. If you will look at each row down to row 15, you will see that this is true. In fact, if Pascal’s triangle was expanded further past Row 15, you would see that the sum of the numbers of any nth row would equal to 2^n

Credit: University of Georgia. Mathematics Education. J Wilson, EMAT 6690. Kate Berryman.
Copyright © 2023 William Van Zyl
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
New Zealand
First Publishing, 2021
Edited and republished in January 2023
However, brief quotations in a book review, references to the website, links to the website, or very short references, may be used. Links to social media websites (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) may be used. The photographs/sketches may not be reproduced.

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