The World’s Shortest Poems.


Product description: 9 pages, 600 words. Includes many images of famous poets and handwritten poetry.

The second example is by Aram Saroyan (born September 25, 1943). He is an American poet, novelist, biographer, memoirist and playwright, who is primarily known for his minimalist poetry, famous examples of which include the one-word poem “lighght” and a one-letter poem comprising a four-legged version of the letter “m” (see the handwritten example).


*By Aram Saroyan


Have you ever wondered what is the shortest poem ever written?

After a search, here is a result. The shortest poem in the English language, by the late great Muhammad Ali, is simply “Me, We”. I think he meant we are nothing without our connection to other people. Relationships define us. Ali was well known for his wit.

Me, We

* By Mohammed Ali


Handwritten poems:

From the author’s sketchbook. Seven handwritten short poems. Credit: Mohammed Ali, Aram Saroyan & William Van Zyl.


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