Tardigrades and Radiotrophic Fungi – death-defiers and demon-destroyers.

Product detail: 15 x pages, 2000 words including several images and sketches (watercolours and ink). Christian theme.

From the author’s sketchbook: Radiotrophic Fungi. Watercolours and ink. Wait on the Holy Spirit, our Comforter and Counsellor. Credit: Author.

From the author’s sketchbook: The Tardigrade or Waterbear. We have to forgive and pray for our enemies. It will make us resilient – indestructible. Watercolours and ink. Credit: Author.

Tardigrade (waterbear) enlarged 100 times. The actual size of the waterbear is slightly shorter than 1 mm.

Read the full article as a blog post:






July 2032


“As all the countries of the world are aware, an asteroid had been detected on radar for some time now. Black rock and ice are hurtling towards earth. We have an emergency!” said the radio host in a nervous tone.

“Would anyone survive the looming destruction?”

Then, there is a sense of optimism in her voice “Yes, something will survive!” said the radio host.

“It is the Tardigrades!” said the astronaut with confidence.

“But what is a Tardigrade? How can it survive an asteroid decimating earth?”

The voice continued, “There is also the threat of a looming nuclear war. In the case of the aftermath of a nuclear war, we also have a solution to clean up the mess as well.

“We have to release Radiotrophic Fungi.”

“I think we have to explain to the listeners what a Tardigrade – or Waterbear – and Radiotropic Fungi are.”

“You’re right. What on earth are Tardigrades and Radiotrophic Fungi? And how can it save us?”

Just after the advertisement, the talk show host informs the listeners: “We are interviewing an astronaut from Canada, John Templeton, on the survival on earth in extreme conditions and disastrous events.

The astronaut then comments with confidence, “Radiotrophic Fungi are fungi that can use radiation as an energy source to stimulate growth. Radiotrophic fungi can be found in extreme environments due to their ability to survive and grow in the presence of radiation. They have been found in the aftermath of a nuclear accident and in outer space. Lately, it had been found at Chernobyl, in the USSR. Years after the nuclear power plant disaster, the fungi were found on the deserted nuclear reactors. There is evidence that the fungi are eating up the radioactive material. Isn’t that amazing?”

“That is an amazing solution!”

“Tardigrades are microscopic eight-legged animals that have been to outer space and would likely survive the apocalypse. They can survive frozen for about 30 years (about -220 degrees Celsius). They can also survive boiling conditions (about 148.9 degrees Celsius). They can also withstand massive amounts of pressure. For example, about 6 x the pressure of the deepest part of the ocean. From a biomimetic perspective (ask nature how), this could just be the solution to survive pending dangers to our world as we know it. Biomimetics is the study of the natural biological world to inform us of possible design solutions to solve our problems on earth — asteroids decimating the earth is one such problem. Nuclear wars are another. Waterbears can survive in extreme heat and freezing conditions. Tardigrades look like adorable miniature bears. Around 1,300 species of tardigrades are found worldwide,” said the astronaut…