
Lesson E-textiles: Making a pencil roll with led lights, coin battery, and switch.

Original price was: $1.99.Current price is: $0.99.

Product description: 45 pages with many images, sketches, and more. 1600 words.

Lesson plan: March 2020:

Manufacturing Technology


Lesson intentions:

To teach students about:

  1. The basics of e-textiles (e-sewing).
  2. The basics of using a sewing machine.
  3. The basics of hand sewing.
  4. How to draw an electrical diagram for the circuit.
  5. How to make simple freehand sketches (communicate design ideas). Ink & watercolours.
  6. How the Lilypad Protosnap works and how this unit can be used in relation to fabric design (clothes, and more).
  7. Planning and making a simple pencil roll with led lights, a coin battery, and switches.
  • Alternatively, students can also opt for a wristband (led lights, coin battery and switches).



  • Add colour and annotations to your freehand sketches. Watercolours, pencil, or ink, is a good choice.
  • Take pics of all your work (sketches and completed sewing work). Share it with yourself. Paste the work into your Google Slide or Doc.
  • Add some annotations and comments to the work (tell the story). Document the process and your design decisions.
  • Get some stakeholder feedback – type it up (suggestions on how to improve on your completed project)
  • Share Google to Docs with your teachers.
  • Type up a short evaluation of your project. Think about the successes, areas for improvement and more.

In other words, the Google Doc should tell the story of your project. Include what you have learned, your designs, your improvements, and the final product.

Introduction to the Lilypad Protosnap.

What is the Lilypad Protosnap? The LilyPad ProtoSnap is a sewable electronics prototyping board that you can use to learn about circuits. The PLUS model allows programming: the unit breaks apart to make an interactive fabric or wearable project. The PLUS model (programming option) is not covered in this lesson plan. The basics of the entry-level Protosnap is included – electrical circuit only.

Sketch of pencil roll: Planning. Lilypad Protosnap components to the basic pencil roll. Credit: W Van Zyl.

Pencil roll far left. A quick sketch on the right. Ink and watercolours. Credit: W van Zyl (2020).



Who is this resource for?

All students, teachers and parents. Excellent for homeschooling! Most families have sewing machines and hand-sewing equipment at home. Jus order the Lilypad Protosnap in, and voila, parents and students have a fantastic project which includes so much practical value!



Secondary school students and teachers. Intermediate and senior primary school teachers can adapt this resource for their students. The Pencil Roll or Wristband is relatively easy to make. This lesson has a beginners approach to hand-sewing, machine sewing, and e-textiles. It includes Teaching and learning the very basics skills –an introductory ‘course.’ Once the skills are mastered, teachers can progress to the next level, namely, programmable Lilypad e-textile units and components. Programming is not covered in these two lessons. Programing is more challenging but very rewarding. This lesson is a perfect start to teach Digital Technology and E-textiles.



New Zealand – Secondary School – NCEA. Design and Visual Communication, Technology, and Digital Technology. The resource could easily be adapted for any other country – written with a universal approach. Any school on the globe can adapt it and use it. Excellent introductory lesson, including an affordable project. The estimated cost to complete the pencil roll = NZ $ 20.00. The Lilypad Protosnap = NZ $ 11.00. The cost to complete the wristband = NZ $ 16.00. Most families have off-cut fabric at home


Additional support: If teachers need extra support on the resources contact the author for an MS Word file:


Introduction to the Lilypad


What is the Lilypad Protosnap? The LilyPad ProtoSnap is a sewable electronics prototyping board that you can use to learn about circuits. The PLUS model allows programming: the unit breaks apart to make an interactive fabric or wearable project. The PLUS model (programming option) is not covered in this lesson plan. The basics of the entry-level Protosnap is included – electrical circuit only.