The Salmon-leader
Here is an example of a person who describes himself as a salmon- leader. He uses a salmon-metaphor to describe his leadership style. A salmon always swims stream up when returning to its birthplace. That is what we think salmon-leadership means, but don’t be mislead, there is much more depth to this metaphor.
Don’t mistake the energy of the salmon as struggling when in reality the salmon only appears to be struggling as it moves upstream. The salmon are not fighting the currents but, are jumping to go deeper so that they can ride the reverse currents below the surface that carry them gracefully upstream. What a beautiful metaphor for life! A salmon-leader is a leader that expends energy to show followers the way. They know their birthplace (roots, values & beliefs). The ‘salmon’ works hard in the direction he/she wants the followers to go. He/she provides a sense of direction. The ‘salmon’ endeavours to show the way (modelling) and have followers experience the deeper currents. These are exploring inner talents/gifts, dreams, and developing leadership. In a family context, the leader is a motivator, modelling the way. The leader enables the members and followers to achieve more. They provide followers with ‘wings to fly.’
Now it’s your turn. What type of leader are you in your family? Write it down. Describe your parents and their parent’s leadership style?
Next, can you write down some positive metaphors for your family members? Do you know that if you communicate these positive metaphors to members of your family, you are leading them?
With this process, you are encouraging them. You are establishing a culture of acknowledgement. You are highlighting their strengths. Those words, or metaphors you use, will define and inspire the members of your family or organisation. Choose your metaphors carefully! Metaphors not only create meaning but they define your reality. Accepting a metaphor makes you focus in on the things that are said about you. Metaphors, even if they are not true, can become self-fulling prophecies. Most astonishingly is this – our metaphors will change our behaviour.
Write them down. Be specific. Have fun with it! You are the scriptwriter or the movie director.
Use powerful metaphor constantly in a leadership position. It will point followers in a clear direction; it is very effective. Sit and write down the metaphors you intend to use in your family or organisation.
A metaphor is a powerful tool. It conjures up images that tell a thousand words! Repetition will shape the culture. Reward the culture! Credit: