I am a ‘STEAM’ Architect (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Mathematics).


Introducing Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Maths (STEAM) in architectural design.

Design brief: Include STEAM principles and concepts into a spatial design presentation (Context-fictional display at a Museum, NZ).

Lesson resource for students and teachers (Secondary School).

Design briefs Spatial Design (Design and Visual Communication – NZ): DESIGN BRIEFS: Level 1 – Sustainable Sleepout, Level 2 – Art Science Museum, Level 3 – Unique Sustainable Bach.



DESIGN BRIEF LEVEL 1: Design a Sustainable sleepout from 3 shipping containers. Exhibit and display your STEAM (e.g. biomimetics application/sunflower) design work in a room at the Waikato Museum.


DESIGN BRIEF LEVEL 2: Design an Art Science Museum. Location – anywhere in the world. Exhibit and display your STEAM (e.g. biomimetics application/sunflower) design work in a room at the Waikato Museum.


DESIGN BRIEF LEVEL 3: Design a Unique Sustainable Bach. Location – anywhere in the world. Exhibit and display your STEAM (e.g. biomimetics application/sunflower) design work in a room at the Waikato Museum.




As an architect, you are given an exhibition/display room at the Waikato Museum (size – 6 m x 10 m). As a STEAM Architect, plan the exhibition of your design work (sleepout/museum/bach). Show the planning using freehand sketches with annotations of the display. Indicate the areas for an interactive model, posters of your design work (communicating STEAM concepts) – show biomimetics, and more. The focus is on your biomimetic applications and STEAM features and functions.


 Product details: 915 words with images and video links. 13 x size A4 pages.

Introducing Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Maths (STEAM) in architectural design.

Design brief: Include STEAM principles and concepts into a spatial design presentation (Context-Waikato Museum, NZ).

Achievement standards NCEA – Design and Visual Communication level 1,2 & 3:


Level 1:


AS 91069 Promote an organised body of design work to an audience using visual communication techniques. 4 Credits.


Level 2:


AS 91343 Use visual communication techniques to compose a presentation of a design. 4 Credits.


Level 3:


91628 Develop a visual presentation that exhibits a design outcome to an audience. 6 Credits.


Design brief: Include STEAM principles and concepts into a spatial design presentation (Waikato Museum, NZ). Page 3

What is STEAM? Page5

What is Biomimetics?. 5

Design briefs Spatial Design (Design and Visual Communication – NZ): DESIGN BRIEFS: Level 1 – Sustainable Sleepout, Level 2 – Art Science Museum, Level 3 – Sustainable Bach. 5

DESIGN BRIEF LEVEL 1: Design a Sustainable sleepout from 3 shipping containers. Exhibit and display your STEAM (e.g. biomimetics application/sunflower) design work in a room at the Waikato Museum.. 5

Situation: 6

Achievement standards NCEA – Design and Visual Communication: 7

See the video of a high excellence work by a student: Construct a basic computer program for a specified task Level 1 (1.46). 7


eBOOK – Design and Visual Communication (DVC): 11

Additional link/website to resources: Page 12