Destiny: Pressing Forward and Failing Forward


Book detail: 66 pages, 8700 words including pictures.



Yesterday, I read an article on destiny. There were two comments by readers about destiny that stood out for me. If I ask you, what do you think about destiny, I wonder what your comment or question would be? Well here are the two comments. It could shock you.

“If God has already determined my destiny, why am I still trying to fulfil my dreams?” Great question, yip, I agree.

The next one is:
“How do I reach or progress on my destiny or journey?” Another excellent question! I am sure you will agree.

There are many such questions, which we all endeavour to answer. We use the scriptures, we philosophy, we try to figure it out, we pray about it, and we talk about it. Well if it sounds like you, don’t be discouraged, you are not alone. In this book, we delve into DESTINY uniquely and scientifically! You will be pleasantly surprised! It is not all scriptures. Surprisingly, there is research included!

From a Christian perspective, there are some dilemmas when we think about destiny. We could even be frustrated, despondent, or even depressed. How old are you? How much time do you have left? How do I fulfil my destiny? Now I am really getting closer to those frustrations and big questions. Right? We have so many questions: Why is everything so boring? Why is destiny so complicated? Do you know nothing exciting is happening in my life? I go to work and go home, make food, sleep, and yes you have guessed, I do the same thing every day. Does it sound familiar?

Are you feeling jealous?

I look at the lives of others, and they thrive. I feel jealous now by just saying it. In fact, I have to keep my emotions together now. Those successful people create, they influence, they serve, they accumulate, they have awesome visible profiles, they are in magazines, they are on television, they influence, and they lead. What about you and me? Do you feel like your life is going nowhere? Is this our destiny? Do these listed questions sound familiar? If your answer is yes, please read on.

To make yourself feel better you could answer with, “I believe God for some great things. He knows about all my plans, and dreams. I pray and trust that He will do it for me. It has been years now since I have had any good breaks. However, He will come through. There will be movement? Although, I feel like I am stuck. However, I believe that He will come through.”

Do you have the thrust of greatness on your life?

I believe we all have the seed of greatness in us. We are created in God’s image.

True greatness is measured by service. It’s in the Bible, Matthew 23:11-12, TLB. “The more lowly your service to others, the greater you are. To be the greatest, be a servant. But those who think themselves great shall be disappointed and humbled; and those who humble themselves shall be exalted.”

But, you may ask, how do I become great if I always have to be humble and in the background? I think the key is to be humble and ensure that you put yourself out there. Does it sounds contradictory? Yip, it does. It is a massive challenge! Be humble and promote yourself, or your work, your business, your art, your resources, your services, your profile, your poetry, your products, your wisdom, and you! Don’t be haughty or arrogant!

Definition of humble (Taken from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

humbler play \ˈhəm-b(ə-)lər\; humblest play \ˈhəm-b(ə-)ləst\

1: not proud or haughty : not arrogant or assertive

2: reflecting, expressing, or offered in a spirit of deference or submission

a humble apology

3a : ranking low in a hierarchy or scale : insignificantunpretentious

b : not costly or luxurious

a humble contraption

What am I doing wrong?

On the other hand, while saying the above, you are thinking, “What am I doing wrong? How do they do it? Surely there must be more to life than what I am experiencing at the moment?”

Well, I think I have pretty summed up how some of us feel. Well, you won’t read this article or book if you are not interested in your destiny or questions about destiny and your potential. We are all concerned about our potential and the fulfilment thereof. Aren’t we?

A definition of destiny:

A short definition by a reader is, “To be everything, I could be.” How short and simple is that! Love it! Are you sweating the small stuff?

Well, I don’t want to waste your time so let us get straight into it.

Quote by Elon Musk. Credit: Mohamed Jahangeer



Introduction. 6

Are you feeling jealous?. Page 7

Do you have the thrust of greatness in your life?. Page 7

What am I doing wrong?. Page 9

A definition of destiny: Page 9

Don’t waste time sweating the small stuff 9

About Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 – April 15, 1865): 11

Are you a Spiritual Scientists?. 13

Longitudinal Study (cross-section): Doing research. 14

Marketing yourself and your books/eBooks/articles, and more. 17

Bill Gates. 18



Here is a very short bio of Huffington: 20


About Elon Musk: 24


Bill Gates’ speech to High School students. 27

14 rules your kids did not and will not learn in school 27

I have done some research on Bill Gates as a gifted and talented person. I include the eBook AT END OF THIS ARTICLE/EBOOK for your perusal. 30

Are you ready?. 31

The widow’s offering. 32

Tithes – contributions to His Kingdom – The Church. 32

About the Bill and Malinda Gates’ Foundation. 33

From their website: The Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation. 33


Biographical case study: Assessing the life of Bill Gates as a creative, gifted and talented person. 39

Executive Summary. 39

Introduction. 41

A short biography of Bill Gates (Pettinger, 2010) 42

Bill Gates foundation of Microsoft 43

Bill Gates – Windows. 44

Philanthropic Activities – Bill Gates. 45

The traits of Bill Gates as a creative and talented person; perspectives of the four researchers referred to in the introduction. 46

Bill as a diligent learner 47

Who is in control? Is Bill in need of a counsellor?. 47

Freedom for Bill Gates at Lakeside School: 49

The life of Bill gates; the historical, social, political, and economic factors in context 52

Leadership and philanthropy. 52

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: Flow, Creativity & the Evolving Self 54

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. 55

Interpersonal Environment: 56



The actualisation of creative potential over the life of Bill Gates; the relationship between creativity and age: 59

Conclusions and Recommendations. 60

References and Appendices. 62


Christian Perspective. 64