
Biographical Case Study: Assessing the life of Bill Gates as a Creative, Gifted and Talented person.

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3600 words

23 Pages (Size A4) font size 12 P

APA Reference style – Essay

Bill as a diligent learner

Bill Gates at an early age became a diligent learner. He read the World Book Encyclopedia series start to finish. His parents encouraged his appetite for reading by paying for any book he wanted. Sternberg (2006) explains that knowledge can help or hinder creativity. One needs to know enough about a field to move forward. It is this predisposition and his unquenching desire to learn that has propelled him into more creative ways of thinking.


Biographical case study: Assessing the life of Bill Gates as a creative, gifted and talented person. Page 7

Executive Summary. Page 7

Introduction. Page 8

Short biography of Bill Gates (Pettinger, 2010) Page 8

Bill Gates foundation of Microsoft 9

Bill Gates – Windows. 9

Philanthropic Activities – Bill Gates. 10

The traits of Bill Gates as a creative and talented person; perspectives of the four researchers referred to in the introduction. 11

Bill as a diligent learner 11

Who is in control? Is Bill in need of a counsellor?. 12

Freedom for Bill Gates at Lakeside school: 13

The life of Bill gates; the historical, social, political, and economic factors in context 15

Leadership and philanthropy. 15

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: Flow, Creativity & the Evolving Self 16

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. 17

Interpersonal Environment: 17



Actualization of creative potential over the life of Bill Gates; relationship between creativity and age: 20

Conclusions and Recommendations. 20

References and Appendices. 21





Academic work – reads very easy. Includes references to interviews with Bill and his family. A short overview of Bill Gates life; starting as a young child. Outstanding insights into his development from an early age to the man he is today. Includes a layered investigation. Genre: Education – the gifted and talented.

“SEATTLE – If you spend time with the Gates family it is most probable that someone will mention the “water incident”. The future software guru was a headstrong 12-year-old and was having a particularly nasty argument with his mother at the dinner table. His father lost his cool and threw a glass of cold water in the boy’s face. The young boy snapped back with something like this: “Hey thanks for the shower!” (Guth, 2009).”