Memory of the Heart.

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By William Van Zyl. Published in 2016.

Edited and republished on January 13, 2023.

True story: Memory transference in organ transplant is a real thing. In one case a 8 year old girl, who was a heart transplant recipient from a 10 year old girl, solved her murder.

‘Is it possible that the human heart uses its own memory to communicate…?’

Cellular memory is a new area of interest, revealing startling facts.

The Human Heart.

Your heart could be the reason why you are making such excellent decisions that have a profound impact on your life, OR your heart could be the reason you are making such devastating decisions that are wrecking your life? 

Do you listen to your gut feeling; do you listen to your heart speaking to you?

Could one develop the art of listening to your heart?

Is there a communication link between the brain and the heart?

The memory of the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, etc., and the brain’s memory are they communicating?

If the heart has a memory, what is in the memory of your heart?

Artist Frida Kahlo wears her heart on her canvas.

The following 2 paintings are by Frida Kahlo. The famous artist painted her heart showing the pain she had experienced throughout her life. I have included these 2 works because they communicate what the heart is experiencing. Frida’s heart ‘remembers.’ Have you ever experienced heartache?

In this self-portrait, Memory, the Heart 1937, Frida Kahlo expressed her misery and resentment over the affair that happened two years ago between Diego Rivera and Cristina. In this painting, her face has no expression but with all tears. She cropped her hair and was wearing the European-style clothes, which style was her favorite when she was separated from Diego Rivera. And as always, she uses the physical wounds to imply her psychic injuries.
In the background was her schoolgirl outfit and her Tehuana costume and each set of clothes have one arm, with Frida Kahlo standing there without arms and seems helpless. She stands there with one foot on the ground and the other in the sea. The foot put over the sea wears an apparatus and suggested the recent foot surgery she was undergoing.
Memory, the Heart delivered a direct and simple message: she was heartbroken. Her huge heart lies on the ground at her feet and was pumping rivers of blood in the background landscape. Her body was pierced by a steel rod with seesawing cupids on either end, which created an accurate visualization of the sensation of pain.
Courtesy of
This painting was completed shortly after her divorce with Diego Rivera. This portrait shows Frida’s two different personalities. One is the traditional Frida in Tehuana costume, with a broken heart, sitting next to an independent, modern dressed Frida. In Frida’s diary, she wrote about this painting and said it is originated from her memory of an imaginary childhood friend. Later she admitted it expressed her desperation and loneliness with the separation from Diego.
In this painting, the two Fridas are holding hands. They both have visible hearts and the heart of the traditional Frida is cut and torn open. The main artery, which comes from the torn heart down to the right hand of the traditional Frida, is cut off by the surgical pincers held in the lap of the traditional Frida. The blood keeps dripping on her white dress and she is in danger of bleeding to death. The stormy sky filled with agitated clouds may reflect Frida’s inner turmoil.

Here is Frida Kahlo next to her artwork.

Frida photographed next to her painting. You can see her facial hair – just above her upper lip. In 1947, this painting was acquired by the Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes (National Institute of Fine Arts) in Mexico City. The purchase price was 4,000 Pesos (about $1,000) at that time and an additional 36 Pesos for the frame. That was the highest price that Frida was ever paid for a painting during her lifetime.
The reproduction of this painting is on display in the Frida Kahlo Museum in Coyoacan, Mexico. Courtesy of

Startling discoveries could change the way we see the human heart and the way we think!   

There are scientists who believes that the brain and the heart communicate. Both have a memory (cellular memory). Other gurus on the brain, heart, and organs like the lungs, kidneys, liver, etc., also report organ memory and cellular memory. In short, for those of you who have read and delved into these areas, it is clear that people who have received transplants in these areas have reported ‘memory’ encounters. For example, some crimes were solved by analysing the dreams a person had after receiving a transplant. There has also been reported that people experience prompts after receiving organs from donors. So, I think it is important for the recipient to know a little of the background of the donor. Search epigenetics and solving crimes for more information on this exciting aspect. However, I include one such an event below. Make sure you watch the video at the end – it has several interviews with heart recipients. See and hear the stunning revelations!

True story: Memory transference in organ transplant is a real thing. In one case a 8 year old girl, who was a heart transplant recipient from a 10 year old girl, solved her murder.

In short, after the transplant, she started having vivid nightmares of being murdered. See Case 3 below for details.

Case 3: Murder mystery – involving the donor – is solved by an organ recipient.

An eight-year-old girl, who received the heart of a murdered ten-year-old girl, began having recurring vivid nightmares about the murder. Her mother arranged a consultation with a psychiatrist who, after several sessions, concluded that she was witnessing actual physical incidents. They decided to call the police, who used the detailed descriptions of the murder (the time, the weapon, the place, the clothes he wore, what the little girl he killed had said to him) given by the little girl to find and convict the man in question.

Link to the article:

A scriptural perspective: ‘The Heart of Man.

Without looking at the details, assuming that the reader has a basic understanding of the research and reports on cellular memory, I will use this assumption (e.g. Case 3) to highlight these discoveries. Let’s look at some scriptures to give us an idea of how this could work. The notion is that the heart and organs have a memory which communicate – cellular memory. Some scriptures that underline these possibilities are:

‘Guard your heart above all else because out of it flows the issues of life’


As a man thinketh in his heart so is he

and King David says:

I have hidden Your Words in my heart so that I would not sin against You.’

These are some of the scriptures that suggest just that. Is it possible that science is catching up with the Bible? If this is accurate, it has vast implications for medical science and is even more liberating for devout and practicing Christians. The area which is highlighted here, the heart specifically, implies that the heart could be used as a guide. Typical the ‘gut feeling’ which we refer to. Well, how do you program your heart? What you read, what you listen, to what you look at will settle in your mind (memory of the brain), and then it will be transported to your heart memory. The sayin, ‘You are what you eat.’ is so relevant in this context. Well, through the years I have learned that having the Psalms and Proverbs on my menu – for improving wisdom and understanding – is very beneficial.

The book of Revelation explains how a river flows from under the throne of God, and Jesus also said:

Rivers of living water will flow from your belly.’

Could it be that there is a spiritual center below the heart? Is it possible that the Holy Spirit lives and operates there. Maybe the Spirit is communicating with our hearts and we then sends messages to our brain (thoughts) via our hearts. Could we ‘hear the voice of God’ (or the ‘voice’ of the Holy Spirit) in our heart? Don’t miss the video at the end of this article – absolutely mindboggling.

Could it mean that the Holy Spirit in a person’s heart actually affects a person’s heart? Is it possible that the electromagnetic fields around the heart can change over time? When the heart’s memory is changed if it receives spiritual enlightenment (born again and baptism in the Holy Spirit)? I am serious – I believe it is possible – based on the video at the end of the article.

Look I am standing at the door (of your heart), I am knocking (Jesus through His Holy Spirit). If you open the door I will come in and abode with you (live on the inside of you). And, I will dine with you (have fellowship). I am paraphrasing the scriptures here; it is very accurate though.

For readers familiar with these scriptures, it will come as no surprise that these fundamental truths could be explained scientifically, and more scriptures will come to mind that will support this notion. Let us take this as a given Truth to explore the practical value and application thereof in the lives of humans.

The Scriptures quote the ‘uncompromising righteous’, which means the person that accepts the complete account of the scriptures and meditates on it (place it in their hearts). According to this notion that the heart has a memory, the Truths from the Holy Scriptures are sent from the brain to the heart (exercising own will). We receive this programming via our ‘gates’ (eyes & ears). This means such a person has allowed the Word to settle in their heart without any compromise. It is the ultimate authority for them.

Is it possible that people can establish a mixture of ideas, philosophies, religions, concepts, etc., into their hearts? The answer is a resounding yes! Sometimes when one has an in-depth conversation with a person with diverse thinking, one could think: ‘What a mixture of ideas and opinions!’.’ He or she has a man-made paradigm or philosophy,’ we would say. Stitched and zig-sawed together through own beliefs, values, knowledge and experience.

Jesus says:

‘Take my yoke on you and my burden because it is light and soft.’ Quote from scriptures.

I have experienced throughout the years that to take God’s instructions on board (His Laws, Precepts, Instructions, and Commands) make life easier. Why make life so complicated? Why assemble your own paradigm, just to change it every month? Gods Word had been tested 7 times – it is like silver – heated and purified. All dross were removed.

The words of the Lord are pure words, like silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Psalm 12:6 

The question then is how will a ‘tainted’ and ‘compromising heart’ think or memorise? I am referring to a heart that is man-assembled. It includes own beliefs, concepts, philosophy, values, and more. From experience, I have seen how such people’s words, values, and beliefs have a detrimental effect on their hearts, and consequently their thinking. It affects their decision making. It is a process that is compromising, and it is as if the person cannot enter the complete rest of God. From a Christian paradigm, I want to make a strong statement. Such a person misses out on so much. Their decisions change all the time as the person’s philosophy changes, and they are constantly trying to figure things out. Is it possible that these people are always struggling in different areas? Let’s look into finances and the Bible.

Beliefs and Values on Finances – an example of a heart’s memory from a Biblical perspective.

Let us look at finances for a moment; if a person has mixed ideas (own opinions and others), the person has a memory in their heart that possibly contradicts what the Scriptures teaches. For example, “I don’t trust the people in the organisation to whom I make financial contributions to.’ Or, ‘I think tithing is Old Testament thinking, and it is not valid today,’ or ‘I don’t believe that tithing will make a difference in my life versus the person who has made a tough decision to obey God’s demands. ‘My tithe belongs to God.’ They give their tithe with a heart that is fully focused on the instruction, and that memory is uncompromising. Such a ‘state of heart’ (Faith) will considerably impact future decisions. It becomes a building block for future uncompromising truths. It ultimately means a person that does not compromise has a heart that is filled with a memory with the instructions of the King of the Kingdom.

So if we analyse this way of thinking – the thinking of the uncompromisingly righteous – it stacks up, and this person’s heart is filled with a memory that resounds the Scriptures. Is it then possible that faith is settled in the heart and that people who have filled their hearts (concepts & instruction) have a massive advantage over those with conflicting ideas, concepts, and opinions? In the Kingdom of God, may I add that you don’t get to vote; it is not a democracy. It is a Theocracy. When God says it, that’s it, and that settles it.

So the question to us is: ‘Search your heart so you may see what is in your heart?’. Answering this question will ultimately determine your altitude in Kingdom living. To come back to just the one area we have touched upon here, tithing, the scripture says:

‘Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. ‘Test me in this, says the Lord Almighty, ‘….and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it’ (Malachi 3:10).

Now that is a memory once settled in your Heart is worth protecting! That memory will generate and keep uncompromising Faith in your heart and will communicate with your brain reminding you of the solid Truth and the results to follow. So as you see how God blesses you, the Truth is settled forever in your heart.

“I believe in my heart!” I’m sure you have heard that expression. Great, infallible Kingdom laws at work!

The Brain and the Heart: Are these two separate entities, or do they communicate?

See the stunning video below. It will impact the way you think about your heart.

Details below of the video (taken from You Tube):

2nd Brain Found in the Heart – Trust your Gut Feelings (By Body Movement)

77,125 views Jul 13, 2016. Prominent medical experts have recently discovered that many recipients of heart transplants are inheriting donors’ memories and consequently report huge changes in their tastes, their personality, and, most extraordinarily, in their emotional memories.

Tapping into what we know about the heart-brain connection: Tools are available from HeartMath to improve wellbeing and mental health.

The effect of heart activity on brain function has been researched extensively over the past 40 years. Earlier research mainly examined the effects of heart activity occurring on a very short time scale – over several consecutive heartbeats at maximum. Scientists at the HeartMath Institute have extended this body of scientific research by looking at how larger-scale patterns of heart activity affect the brain’s functioning.

It seems like the heart sends more signal to the brain compared to the messages sent from the brain to the heart. The more ordered and stable the pattern of the heart’s input to the brain during positive emotional states has the following effect – it facilitates cognitive function and reinforces positive feelings and emotional stability. This means that learning to generate increased heart rhythm coherence, by sustaining positive emotions, not only benefits the entire body, but also profoundly affects how we perceive, think, feel, and perform. Visit HeartMath to read more –

Could the scriptures be ahead of Science and HeartMath?

It seems like the Word of God had been ahead of science, on the knowledge of the heart, all these hundreds and hundreds of years. Is it possible that the Word have more stunning revelations for Modern Science? On that note friends I quote the following verses just to underline Bible-power. It seems like Science still have lots to discover. Think about wellbeing, mental health, depression and the Words in the Bible.

Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. (John14:1)

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he… (Proverbs 23:7)

Do not let your heart be troubled (afraid, cowardly). Believe [confidently] in God and trust in Him, [have faith, hold on to it, rely on it, keep going and] believe also in Me. (John 14:1)

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. (Proverbs 4:23)

The Heart of Man: What we know now changes the way we view the scriptures.

There are many scriptures with the word heart in them; do a Google search on Bible verses with the word heart at the center. For example, lets focus on faith. Faith is settled in the heart. It means if we meditate the Word, if we place the Word in our hearts (building our paradigm [thinking]- making the Word of God the ultimate authority) our hearts will be filled with faith. Here is a stunning example.

Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. (Matthew 11:23)

The mystery of cellular memory – and the heart communicating with the brain – has prompted me to write a story. Read this interesting work of fiction as a blog post:
The short story – a murder mystery – hinges on cellular memory. Intricately crafted, developed, and penned down by the author. Published in 2021. Don’t miss it!


Copyright © 2016 & 2023 (edited) by William Van Zyl

Memory of The Heart

All rights reserved. This article/eBook or any portion

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publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

Published by Five House Publishing (New Zealand)

Published in 2016  

Edited and republished on January 13, 2023.

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