By William Van Zyl
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When the foam opened, green and white parcels of paper stared at Howard Kirby. He pushed his hand into the foam cushion; he could feel more packets! Kirby pulled a couple out. The green and white paper packets were wrapped in separate packages – transparent plastic neatly divided several stacks. Some notes – marking the packets – were written on the packets to label the small parcels. It was meticulously organised.
Slowly he pulled out all the packets. He placed it on the couch; some packets fell on the ground. He grabbed the cushion by the ears and shook every packet out. He checked, and double-checked, the pocket in the foam was empty. While holding the cushion in both hands, his eyes were transfixed on the green and white coloured packets laying on the couch and the ground. He placed the cushion back on the ottoman and picked up two packets – one in each hand.
‘How on earth did this come from,’ he whispered to himself. What a windfall!
‘This is a small Fortune,’ he whispered louder this time.
He carefully looked around to see if anyone noticed him taking the paper
packets out. He wondered, did anyone see him emptying the pocket of foam?
You are probably thinking: ‘I wonder what plans Kirby had for all that money?’
You would not believe what happened next – it went viral around the globe.
In a thrift shop – in Owosso – stood the owner of the shop and a small family. Everything changed when Kirby handed over the arms full of cash to the rightful owners.
‘Here, it is yours,’ he said
Their faces were washed in disbelief. They could not believe their eyes. 43,170 US dollars.

Howard Kirby found $43,170 US in an ottoman which he purchased from a thrift shop in Owasso, Oklahoma, US. Here he sits on the couch of the second-hand lounge suite. Credit:
‘Did all this money come from the ottoman?’ the family asked with mouths gaping wide open. ‘Yes, it was stashed into a pocket hand-cut into the foam cushion of the ottoman.’
‘You bought it from the thrift shop, right?’
The world was stunned. The news zoomed around the world in one day.
Everyone was
asking: Why did Kirby return the money?
His humble home needed a new roof. Attorneys later commented that he was
entitled to keep the money. He could have kept it and replaced the roof of his
‘Why did he return the money?’
‘The Holy Spirit convicted me – that small voice of God – spoke to me,’ he said. The voice told him that the money does not belong to him. So, he contacted the thrift store owner in Owosso in the US. The owner of the shop traced the family who donated the lounge suite and called them in without giving them a hint. The press was also invited. After Kirby handed over the money, it appeared that the father and grandad of the family passed away a year ago. They phoned the thrift shop to pick up the lounge suite. The family said that if the thrift shop had failed to pick up the old lounge suite, they would have burned it.
Kirby paid a meagre $ 35 US for the lounge suite. It was to furnish his man-cave, he explained.
So, the question still lingered – as if it wasn’t answered.
‘If he needed the money, why would he return it?’
The answer lies in the conscience of Kirby. We all ask ourselves: ‘What would I have done with the windfall of money?’
‘Yes, what would you have done with the $ 43,170 US?
A GoFundMe has also been started in support of Kirby and so far has raised over $2,200.
When Kirby returned the money to its rightful owner, Kim Newberry, the Newberry family wanted to repay him. They offered to fix his roof, but if they want to thank him, it will have to be in another way because Habitat for Humanity and a local builder have made plans to give Kirby a new roof. What a remarkable response by the community.
The thrift store owner said,
‘It is heartwarming to see that a person in need decided to do the right thing.’
Oprah Winfrey in one of her Masterclasses, said something I will never forget. Those words are still ringing in my head.
‘Do the right thing. The most important thing is to do the right thing.’
Kirby did the right thing. He is at peace, and the world honours him for displaying good character.
We all want to be like Kirby.
When I scrolled through the comments of the many people who have donated at GoFundMe one a single comment that stood out for me was: “I can’t stop thinking about this guy.” Me too. I just can’t stop thinking about Howard Kirby and his actions. You know why? The world is so full of negativity, so much hatred and conniving people. However, Kirby stands out like a freshly painted lighthouse with white birds circling in the sky above it. It elevates our spirit, it inspires, and it cleanses our muddled thinking. It shouts clarity and transparency. When I finished reading the articles on Kirby, it felt like I was standing with Kirby; some of the new fresh black and white paint of the ‘lighthouse’ rubbed off on me. It feels so good. White birds encircled me. It just felt right.
I found these two images that describe and contrasts my emotions about Kirby’s actions. The juxtaposition of the two lighthouse images shows a surreal lighthouse bent out of shape (first image – negativity) and a freshly painted black and white lighthouse with white birds circling around it (second image). After I have analysed Kirby’s actions, the black and white lighthouse with birds circling the lighthouse, conjured up in my heart; I share the two contrasting images with you.

IMAGE 1: A surreal lighthouse: Bent out of shape. It elicits negative thoughts and perceptions for me. See the black birds and surrounding desert – excellent symbolism.

IMAGE 2: A black and white lighthouse (or is it red and white?): standing up – straight and tall. The foundation is solid. Amidst the dark clouds, it stands firm. It elicits clear and concise thinking for me. It also provokes positive thoughts – it shouts ‘do the right thing!’ The contrasting black and white paint has no space for grey areas. It is black and white. At all cost do the right thing! Remove all grey areas. See the white birds: it represents extravagant thoughts and elevated thinking. It is freeing – a magnificent experience.
When I first looked at Image 2 – and looking at the birds – I felt clean, fresh and transparent thoughts rushed through my heart. Its pure thoughts circled in my brain. It brings courage, vision, wisdom and understanding. What a great experience! Kirby, by being himself and being truthful to his beliefs, raises a standard of excellence and honesty in a sometimes dark and corrupt world. One can feel the light; we can see the light; we can receive the light.
We love Kirby for being honest, transparent, and faithful. What a great human being. He models the way! Truly inspiring.
‘Howard Kirby you have raised a standard – a lighthouse.’
Read more and see the video of CNN:
More: Read the full story here.
Copyright © 2020 by William Van Zyl
Man finds $ 43,170 and returns it—he stuns the world by ‘building’ a lighthouse that attracts snow-white birds.
All rights reserved. This book or any portion
thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner
whatsoever without the express written permission of the
publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
Published by Five House Publishing (New Zealand)
First Publishing, 2020

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