Table of Contents
By William Van Zyl (Published March 2022).
In the undergrowth, an actual undercover code – which will be uncovered in this article – will stun you. A pattern and a foreknowledge that is beyond comprehension. A unique pattern – decoded in the modern times we live in – decoded by scientists.
David Attenborough’s documentary Life in the Undergrowth – insect’s deception, confusion, and opportunity, is studied by experts. See the link to this stunning documentary (YouTube) at the end of this article.
- Have you seen signs of deception, confusion, and opportunity (in a negative context) lately? Maybe where humans are involved, or maybe animals and insects, revealing these age-old behaviours?
You are probably thinking, where is this going? I will reveal it. Let’s start with pheromones and the wasp.
What is a pheromone? A pheromone is a chemical that an animal produces that changes the behaviour of another animal of the same species. Some describe pheromones as behaviour-altering agents. Pheromones trigger behaviours in animals of the same species, apart from sexual behaviour.
In the BBC documentary I have mentioned, several insects and their deceptive behaviours are uncovered. Outstanding camera work is seen in the video! For example, ants run up a blade of grass and arrange themselves into a teardrop shape. They freeze and wait. They wait patiently while releasing a pheromone that resembles a female wasp. It immediately attracts male wasps. These ants are master deceivers. They completely fool the wasp into thinking they are a female wasp. The wasp investigates up close. Then suddenly, the ants quickly attach themselves to the wasp. They get a free ride. The male leaves with the passengers on his body. When the male wasp finds a female wasp, some of the ants on the back of the male wasp, jump ship. Now they have successfully boarded both taxis. They don’t pay a dime. It’s on the house. They go straight to the nest of the wasps. There they feast on pollen and the larvae and the young babies. How convenient!
Here is another example of deception – the blue butterfly:
The natural world abounds with trickery. For instance, the large blue butterfly Maculinea rebeli: Its caterpillars adopt chemical camouflage to manipulate red ants into feeding, grooming, and protecting them. But the caterpillars aren’t the only ones to play the ants for fools, a new study reveals. A wasp, invading ant nests to parasitize the parasitic caterpillars inside, avoids ant attacks by deploying chemicals that provoke the ants into attacking one another.
In European grasslands, Maculinea caterpillars fall off their host plants partway through development and attract red ants, which carry them to their nests. There the caterpillars, protected by chemicals that mimic those of ant larvae, are fed and tended by adult ants. Meanwhile, the wasp Ichneumon eumerus comes calling. It lays eggs in the caterpillars; the wasp larvae feed off the caterpillars and hatch during their pupation. They then leave the nest, soon ready to mate and find more nest-bound caterpillars. But how the wasps get in and out of the nest without being killed by the ants has been a mystery.
In the 30 May issue of Nature, ecologists Jeremy Thomas and Graham Elmes (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in Dorset – UK), and their colleagues reveal the wasps’ trick. The researchers isolated and synthesized six chemicals that the wasps secrete–four of them new to science. Experiments in the lab showed that these chemicals whip the ants into a frenzy, wildly biting and stinging one another–providing a distraction that allows adult wasps to enter nests and hatching wasps to escape (Whittgott, 2002, n.p.).

During the program, which focuses on the deceptive techniques of insects – like the blue butterfly, ants, wasps and more, the unique pattern stood out for me.
Deception, Confusion, and Opportunity (negative context):
I am sure you have seen this behaviour in humans and animals. The next question I will address is the Creator’s foreknowledge when He created everything in six days, according to the Genesis story. Did God (Jehovah) know that Lucifer would rebel and display the same behaviour – deceiving humans? Did God foreknow that Satan would deceive Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden? If those patterns are universal in humans, animals, fish, and insects, God must have known everything – referring to the behaviour which was to follow. I think He did. He surprises us with His knowledge. He had embedded all these behaviours in nature in advance. Did these behaviours surface after the episode in the Garden of Eden? This behaviour of nature functioned from the very first day of creation. However, before the fall of man, Adam and Eve were perfect.’ A reminder to us we need redemption. After they were cursed – the disobedience when they ate from the forbidden tree in Eden – the destructive behaviour was released. Sin entered.
Through the Cross, repentance of sin, accepting Christ and being born again is the antidote to this ‘poison.’
I include an interesting article on the pattern of the Tabernacle, some paragraphs later in the article, for your convenience. In short, the symbolism and actions required in the Tabernacle reveal God’s spiritual pattern for man. The depth of it is astounding – for example, the position of the Israelite’s tents around the Tabernacle resembles the shape of a cross – don’t miss it. Foreknowledge by the Great I Am: Pointing to the Cross of Calvary. Stunning!
Back to the insects. This pattern – the use of pheromones and the behaviour of the insects – prompted me while watching the documentary. Then it dawned on me. There is a pattern of deception, confusion, and opportunity not only in the insect world but also in human behaviour (after the fall of man).
Well, I am convinced that God must have had the foreknowledge of what was to happen through the ages. I refer to things like Satan’s deceptive power – and the opportunist he is – to destroy people. Some people behave just like the Devil and the deceptive insects.
We can identify a universal pattern in some insects, human activity, and animal behaviour. Here is my statement regarding physical life as we know it.- Can we know more about God by studying his design (Creation)? Referring to those patterns. Is there a clear pattern that we can identify? Yes, there is. That old enemy of ours – Lucifer – behaves just like the deceptive insects I have described. He is an opportunist, a master deceiver; he constantly sows confusion.
But how do we overcome this behaviour? The instruction is clear: Do not partake in the behaviour of the ‘flesh’ (sinful nature) – corrupted thoughts and actions. But, be set free – live through the leading of the Holy Spirit.
I have identified a pattern, a design by the Creator. If you believe in evolution, please wait. I will reveal a deep secret. A God-code. A little patience, please – wait for it.
Here is the foundation of the pattern I would like to discuss. I include a quick overview of King David’s words in the Holy Writ. He identifies the patterns of the Almighty:
Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary: who is so great a God as our God? Psalm 77:13
Exodus 25:8, 9 “Let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them. According to all that I show you … The pattern of the tabernacle and … all its furnishings, …
I include an interesting article on the pattern of the Tabernacle some paragraphs later in the article, for your convenience. In short, the symbolism and the actions required – in the Tabernacle – reveals God’s spiritual pattern for man. The depth to it is astounding – for example, the position of the Israelite’s tents around the Tabernacle resembles the shape of a cross – don’t miss it. Foreknowledge by the Great I Am: Pointing to the Cross of Calvary. Stunning!
Back to the insects. This pattern – the use of pheromones and the behaviour of the insects – prompted me while I was watching the documentary.
Then it dawned on me. There is a pattern of deception, confusion, and opportunity not only in the insect world but also in the world of human behaviour (after the fall of man).
Well, I am convinced that God must have had the foreknowledge of what was to happen through the ages. I refer to things like Satan’s deceptive power – and the opportunist he is – to destroy people. Some people behave just like the Devil and the deceptive insects.
There is a universal pattern that we can identify in some insects, human activity and animal behaviour. Here is my statement regarding physical life as we know it.
Can we know more of God by studying his design (Creation)? Referring to those patterns. Is there a clear pattern that we can identify? Yes, I think there is. That old enemy of ours – Lucifer – behaves just like the deceptive insects I have described. He is an opportunist, a master deceiver and he constantly sows confusion.
Interested in patterns? Here is the pattern of the Tabernacle of Moses:

God created the heavens and the earth. He has designed the wasp, the ant, the blue butterfly – and other pheromonal behaviours. There is a pattern. I analysed the design pattern and realised that this behaviour must have been included in the DNA – the code of these insects – to survive and flourish in nature.
But wait, I have one more pattern to show. The Almighty uses confusion, just like the wasp, to destroy our enemies. You may ask, Are you serious? Yes, I am. ‘Pheromones’ used by God to confuse the enemies of the Israelites? Very interesting. I am sure you are thinking, are there other such patterns in the Bible? Yes, there are several. Read this scripture:
As soon as they began singing, the Lord confused the enemy camp, so that the Ammonite and Moabite troops attacked and completely destroyed those from Edom. Then they turned against each other and fought until the entire camp was wiped out! 2 Chronicles, 20: 22 & 23.
Sounds like the pheromones the wasp releases to confuse the ants in their own nest? The ants turn on each other while the wasp makes a tiny hole with its barb and deposits its egg in the large larvae of the ants. And later, to the ant’s surprise, a wasp appears out of the chrysalis. It quickly pops out and runs out of the ant’s nest. Amazing!
What is the point I want to make?
God knows everything. Here is my rolled-out carpet analogy to explain how He knows everything: He rolled time out like a carpet as He created the universe. He saw the beginning the middle and the end. Then He rolled it back up. He then said: ‘Live this pre-designed pattern.’ He knew us from the foundation of the world.
3. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms. 4. For He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless in His presence. In love 5. He predestined us for adoption as His sons through Jesus Christ, according to the good pleasure of His will,… Ephesians 1: 3-5.
He cleverly included many patterns into His design work. He knew from the start how everything would play out. From creation to the consummation of the age – a new heaven and a new earth.’
God hides Himself. As knowledge increases, we see His Patterns – locked away in nature and many other areas of reality. It is so cool. Christians serve an awesome God – Jehovah, Elohim, Adonai the God of the Universe. Blessing and Honour His Holy Name!
Truly you are a God who has been hiding himself, the God and Saviour of Israel. Isaiah 45: 15
The application of these revealed patterns?
- Know your enemy – Satan – his plans, his strategies, and his wiles. Here are the signs of the ‘flesh’ (sinful nature of man) in action:
19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Galatians 5:19-21
- Understand when people act in the flesh (no spiritual guidance and submission to God’s Word).
- Understand God’s symbolism and related patterns: His tabernacle, salvation (the Cross), and so much more.
- Instilling God’s recommended patterns for Spiritual behaviour into our lives: Practice discipline and living through His Spirit. Be filled with the spirit so we will not fulfil the cravings of the flesh.
Living by the Spirit
15But if you keep on biting and devouring one another, watch out, or you will be consumed by one another. 16So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. 17For the flesh craves what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are opposed to each other, so that you do not do what you want.… Berean Study Bible.
The GOOD NEWS is that we can change. There is hope. Christ offers redemption from our sinful nature: Understanding deception, confusion, and opportunity (in a negative context). This pattern of sin can be broken! We don’t have to be slaves of our flesh.
‘Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things.’ Philippians 4:8.
Never found God? He hides Himself from us you know. We have to search for Him – not casually. If we continue to search with intent we will find Him.
“So I (Jesus) say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Luke 11: 9.
The pattern of sin will be broken off you!
Find out why the Great I am hides himself. The reading also shows 5 ways to find God – based on the pattern in the tabernacle. Thanks, Joseph Mattera!
‘Scripture teaches us in Isaiah 45:15 that God hides Himself. This means that He does not reveal Himself to casual seekers – truly it is the glory of God to conceal things but the glory of kings to search things out (Proverbs 25:2), hence it is a royal and noble task to plumb the depths of the knowledge and glory of God!’ ( Joseph Mattera).
Link to the Documentary: Life of Insects | Attenborough: Life in the Undergrowth | BBC Earth

Notes on this BBC documentary:
In this remarkable BBC footage, Sir David Attenborough reveals the world of insects such as ants, stick insects, beetles and digger bees. Visit for all the latest animal news and wildlife videos and watch more high-quality videos on the new BBC Earth YouTube channel here:
Whithgott, J. (2002, May 30). Treacherous Wasps Turn Ant Against Ant. Chemical ploy whips ants into a fighting frenzy to wasps’ advantage. Article:
Copyright © 2022 by William Van Zyl
Insect behaviour – Deception, Confusion, and Opportunity – Stuns Scientists.
All rights reserved. This book or any portion
thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner
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Published by Five House Publishing (New Zealand)
First Publishing, 2022

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