Published on June 20, 2019.
By William Van Zyl
Have you ever experienced an excruciating crushing in your life?
Want to hear about the life story of someone who started at the very bottom and ended up at the top. Here is an exciting story of someone who followed a different path. Or, maybe not so unfamiliar.
Ever thought about the invitation to become a Christian? Have you heard people and preachers make an invitation?
“Come to the cross, repent and accept Christ. All those burdens will roll away.”
Yeah right. Those doing the invitation don’t always explain the process. You hear about the product – the result – first. Instant redemption occurs – the Blood cleanses from all unrighteousness. That is true. But, what about the process that will follow? Will the person who accepts the challenge of Kingdom citizenship understand that there is a process involved that could shake you to your core? Before I get into the process, here are an outstanding example of wisdom and understanding:
Recently I have watched an exceptional video of one hour and forty-eight minutes (June 2019). Pastor Stephen Furtick interviewed Bishop TD Jakes (US) and asked him some in-depth question about his process and his eventual success as a pastor, preacher, and author. The production of an outstanding product – EFFECTIVENESS. Puzzled? Bishop Jakes explained in detail how the Kingdom can be compared to the Tabernacle of Moses. He unexpectedly stopped and said let’s use the Tabernacle of Moses to explain process and product. Surprised? I was surprised. However, after a minute, I understood. Brilliant example!
Here is a condensed version. Once you enter through the gate of the Tabernacle what would a person see? Quite shocking and unexpected. The sound of animals being slaughtered, the smell of burning flesh, blood is flowing in streams around this area. Strong images, indeed. About that gate in the Old Testament: Jesus said in the New Testament – I am the gate, the truth, the life, the way. In simple words – according to Bishop TD – the first process is to die before you can enter into the Holy Place, and consequently, the Holy of Holies. It means when you accept Christ the process of dying to self begins – the dying animals are the sign. There are two rooms in the Tabernacle. See the images in this article for details for the layout and a 3-d image. Note, when entering the first thing you encounter is dying – animals dying to be sacrificed. Surprised? Dying to the self is a huge challenge! This is the beginning of the process. Still interested, please read on.
Bishop T D Jakes & Pastor Furtick
Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. Matt 16:24
Have you ever heard the expression: ‘After the Cross comes the Crown?’ Sounds painful with glory at the end?
God uses broken and crushed people to do great things! It can be a short process, or, it may take many years of preparation. But, please don’t camp out in the crushing zone. Some people love this stage and choose to live in this zone – they don’t and can’t move on. In fact, they use it as an excuse. Please don’t be one of them! Their address is defeat. The ones who choose to stay in this zone can be identified as dysfunctional and placed on the shelf of different pathologies. There are many typical mental pathologies today as mental health deteriorates around the globe. Have you been crushed? Are you still in the zone? Is there any movement? You have to get up and fight! Don’t stay in that zone!
It is the people that refuse to give up, refuse to roll over, and refuses to stay in the zone of crushing that eventually succeeds in doing great things. Be brave and courageous. Move on – you could be shaking, trembling with fear. Identify the crushing zone and make a quality decision: ‘I am not giving up on my destiny and the promises of God for me.’ Push on into the promises of God.
Bishop Jakes also refers to his tenacity, and his resilience, during his process. Bravery and courage are the keys to his success from a Kingdom perspective. He never gave up on his promises from God and his promised destiny. He hanged in there for years – preaching faith and trust in the face of adversity.
He tells the story of when his car broke down. He was invited to preach at another church; he had to walk to that church. Climbing over the coal trucks and the rails to get to that church. Walking up to that church with a message of faith had him trembling: “How can I walk to the church – having no car – and preach FAITH to that congregation.” he would ask himself. “You have to dig deep, very deep,” he said. He continued saying that it was during those early years that he was shaped. See the video below – 17 minutes into the video Bishop Jakes share this stunning story. He said that he never gave up preaching about the power of God!
Remarkable! To be effective, and to make a difference, we have to push through – no matter what comes our way. One thing is sure; adversity will come. Jesus said, ‘In this world, you will have trouble, but take heed (courage) I have overcome.’ Bishop Jakes continues to explain the crushing process; he uses the cup of wine Jesus handed to the disciples at the last meal to illustrate. Grapes are to be crushed underfoot to produce excellent wine. The process of crushing and fermentation – and more – are referred to as ‘the process.’ As we know, to make good wine takes time. Patience is required. Consequently, the wine is useful to the body.
Are you being crushed at the moment or have you been crushed in the past? Have your a relationship imploded recently, have you been abused last week, is your business failing, are you going bankrupt, have you lost your source of income, have you been diagnosed with a terminal disease, have your life-long dream dissolved in front of your very eyes, is someone intentionally trying to destroy you, are someone using destructive powers and techniques to bring you down in secret, are you addicted, is your child dishonoring you, are you suffering in your close relationships, is your marriage falling apart? Whatever you are going through, as a Christian, hang in there. Trust God that He will carry you through. Don’t give up. Press on. Use your mouth! Speak faith! Use the experience to build character and resilience. It is how you look at the situation that counts. Do not allow the situation to define you. Think like a person in training: ‘This is a stepping stone to build character in me.’ When you get in a tight corner, know that He will carry you through. It is this tenacious attitude, with trust and faith in God, that will really develop the building blocks for the superior qualities needed for greatness! Bishop Jakes explains how fearful he was when he first started to preach. His hands shook violently at the beginning of delivering a sermon. He said that he would leave the microphone on the stand for at least 10 minutes – with his hands behind his back – till his nerves calmed down before taking the mic in his hand. We have to strong and brave – that is his message. Take on the challenge – even if you are scared to death! Stand up and fight!
Remember, don’t make pathologies and the pain zone your address. Stand up dust you clothes, square your shoulders and say, ‘I can overcome anything. God gives me the strength to conquer. I trust Him. I have faith in Him. I will get through this.’
Everything works together for good for those who trust in Him.
Now that is a different attitude and perspective to success. Pursue greatness. Be strong, brave and courageous – filled with faith. Trust the process.
I do have news that will shake you. When you overcome your crushing, the next challenge is scheduled, and it is on its way. This is the way we develop. Are you up for the challenge? Don’t look back!
Just remember the quality of the product – ‘amazing wine’ – are ahead of you. Greatness is to follow!
If Jesus could overcome this world, so can we!
Link to the full interview below.
Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. Matt 16:24
Have you ever heard the expression: ‘After the Cross comes the Crown?’ Sounds painful with glory at the end?
God uses broken and crushed people to do great things! It can be a short process, or, it may take many years of preparation. But, please don’t camp out in the crushing zone. Some people love this stage and choose to live in this zone – they don’t and can’t move on. In fact, they use it as an excuse. Please don’t be one of them! Their address is defeat. The ones who choose to stay in this zone can be identified as dysfunctional and placed on the shelf of different pathologies. There are many typical mental pathologies today as mental health deteriorates around the globe. Have you been crushed? Are you still in the zone? Is there any movement? You have to get up and fight! Don’t stay in that zone!
It is the people that refuse to give up, refuse to roll over, and refuses to stay in the zone of crushing that eventually succeeds in doing great things. Be brave and courageous. Move on – you could be shaking, trembling with fear. Identify the crushing zone and make a quality decision: ‘I am not giving up on my destiny and the promises of God for me.’ Push on into the promises of God.
Bishop Jakes also refers to his tenacity, and his resilience, during his process. Bravery and courage are the keys to his success from a Kingdom perspective. He never gave up on his the promises of God and his promised destiny. He hanged in there for years – preaching faith and trust in the face of adversity. Remarkable! To be effective, and to make a difference, we have to push through – no matter what comes our way. One thing is sure; adversity will come. Jesus said, ‘In this world, you will have trouble, but take heed (courage) I have overcome.’ Bishop Jakes continues to explain the crushing process; he uses the cup of wine Jesus handed to the disciples at the last meal to illustrate. Grapes are to be crushed underfoot to produce excellent wine. The process of crushing and fermentation – and more – are referred to as ‘the process.’ As we know, to make good wine takes time. Patience is required. Consequently, the wine is useful to the body.
Are you being crushed at the moment or have you been crushed in the past? Have your a relationship imploded recently, have you been abused last week, is your business failing, are you going bankrupt, have you lost your source of income, have you been diagnosed with a terminal disease, have your life-long dream dissolved in front of your very eyes, is someone intentionally trying to destroy you, are someone using destructive powers and techniques to bring you down in secret, are you addicted, is your child dishonoring you, are you suffering in your close relationships, is your marriage falling apart? Whatever you are going through, as a Christian, hang in there. Trust God that He will carry you through. Don’t give up. Press on. Use your mouth! Speak faith! Use the experience to build character and resilience. It is how you look at the situation that counts. Do not allow the situation to define you. Think like a person in training: ‘This is a stepping stone to build character in me.’ When you get in a tight corner, know that He will carry you through. It is this tenacious attitude, with trust and faith in God, that will really develop the building blocks for the superior qualities needed for greatness! Bishop Jakes explains how fearful he was when he first started to preach. His hands shook violently at the beginning of delivering a sermon. He said that he would leave the microphone on the stand for at least 10 minutes – with his hands behind his back – till his nerves calmed down before taking the mic in his hand. We have to strong and brave – that is his message. Take on the challenge – even if you are scared to death! Stand up and fight!
Remember, don’t make pathologies and the pain zone your address. Stand up dust you clothes, square your shoulders and say, ‘I can overcome anything. God gives me the strength to conquer. I trust Him. I have faith in Him. I will get through this.’
Everything works together for good for those who trust in Him.
Now that is a different attitude and perspective to success. Pursue greatness. Be strong, brave and courageous – filled with faith. Trust the process.
I do have news that will shake you. When you overcome your crushing, the next challenge is scheduled, and it is on its way. This is the way we develop. Are you up for the challenge? Don’t look back!
Just remember the quality of the product – ‘amazing wine’ – are ahead of you. Greatness is to follow!
If Jesus could overcome this world, so can we!
Here is the link to the full interview.
About the Author:
The author had an interesting and unique childhood. Not travelling abroad – as you would expect – but venturing into the fields, bushes, tools sheds and mysterious underground tunnels around his neighbourhood. His happy place was – and still is – tinkering with ideas, science, and new possibilities. Many times, while cycling, he will get new ideas; he brings the unexpected, the unique, and the creative in a flurry on a page or in a sketch. To this day, he dreams of vicious wars and sophisticated weaponry in an innocent child’s scout cave. He loves diagrams, timelines, cross sections, sketches, and details of sinister and hidden concepts and ideas; always looking for a new mystery to decode and to encode. He investigates and explores extravagant thoughts, which he includes in children’s books and stories; he loves to include philosopher’s perspectives, articles, intriguing stories, and poetry. Academic and research work are his forte. He always offers a simple but practical explanation within an engaging context. Not your ordinary thinker! A lifelong scholar and teacher.
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The Extravagant Podcast. Available on Spotify, Podbean, Audible, and more.