By William Van Zyl Published on March 22, 2025 Joop and Elsa Van De Venter gazed intently at the screen before them; the image magnified several hundred times. “Wait for it,” the IVF specialist instructed. “Look at the perimeter of the embryo.” Then, it happened. A sudden flash of light illuminated the embryo. Billions of… Continue reading A Second Flash of Light.
Category: Articles.
Articles – all genres.
“Bel, Did You Eat All Your Food?”
By William Van Zyl Published in March 2025. Whispers… A hidden passage? Before them, a grand feast lay untouched—golden loaves of bread, bowls overflowing with dates and figs, steaming cuts of roasted meat. The scent was rich and intoxicating. Hammurabi smirked, stepping forward and plucking a ripe fig from the offering table. “So, this is… Continue reading “Bel, Did You Eat All Your Food?”
Armies and Warriors that Never Sleep.
By William Van Zyl Published in February 2025. An army lies drowned in the waters. It is a moonlit desert night, just beyond the Sea. The Red Sea. The Israelites crossed safely, and they defeated their enemies. Two Israelites, Ezra and Caleb, stand near a small fire, speaking in hushed tones, still shaken by the… Continue reading Armies and Warriors that Never Sleep.
Millions Shackled by Lead-heavy Darkness.
By Wiliam Van Zyl Published in February 2025 “I can’t stand up!” “Me too; I am weighed down in my chair!” “What is happening? I am scared.” “Can you feel the darkness?” “Yes, I can. I feel it in the palms of my hands and my eyes. I can feel the darkness displaced by my… Continue reading Millions Shackled by Lead-heavy Darkness.
The Aperture.
By William Van Zyl Published on 19 January 2025 “SShhuusss, shhuu.” “It is here. It is coming in!” “Not a word from anyone now. Quiet, please.” The Sun slowly creeps into the ancient mound, inching forward like a divine intruder. The high rock ceilings, untouched for millennia, seem to gasp with surprise, their jagged edges… Continue reading The Aperture.
Sell Your Paradigm, Buy a New One.
By William Van Zyl Published November 10, 2024 Have you ever found a great treasure? Have you ever seen a precious pearl, a ring, a pendant, or a piece of jewellery you loved? We all have found something of great treasure. We think about it, plan, save, and sell something to get that valuable item, right? … Continue reading Sell Your Paradigm, Buy a New One.
Evolution against the Ropes?
William Van Zyl Published October 2024 In the charged arena of the ring, a fierce symphony of jabs and dodges unfolds—a primal dance of precision and power between Evo, “The Tree,” and Craytah, “The Rock.” Each punch, each block, is a test of resilience, skill, and unbreakable will. Craytah feints—a flicker of deception designed to… Continue reading Evolution against the Ropes?
The Beast is Rumbling.
By William Van Zyl Published in October 2024 I have something unique in this article that you will not find anywhere on the net or in a book. There is a rumbling. I have listened to Billy Crone from Prophecy Watchers, and he has some stunning insights, which I include in this insightful article. I… Continue reading The Beast is Rumbling.
A Dark Eye, a Set of Dark Glasses, a Black Heart, a Black Belly, Black Kidneys, and a Black Brain will Blacken your Life.
By William Van Zyl. Published in October 2024. Have you ever considered what is in your heart, belly, and mind? Our eyes, often seen as windows to our souls, play a crucial role in our daily experiences. But visual perception goes far beyond just lenses and corneas. It involves complex brain processes where neural pathways… Continue reading A Dark Eye, a Set of Dark Glasses, a Black Heart, a Black Belly, Black Kidneys, and a Black Brain will Blacken your Life.
Rosetta Spacecraft: Deciphering the Code?
By William Van Zyl Published in Oct 2024 Rosetta Spacecraft? You have heard the name Rosetta before, right? This article focuses on a spacecraft named ‘Rosetta.‘ Champollion deciphered the renowned Egyptian Rosetta Stone; this article is about another Rosetta—the Rosetta Spacecraft. Humans want to decipher mysteries. The first one was the Egyptian hieroglyphs. Champollion did… Continue reading Rosetta Spacecraft: Deciphering the Code?
The Hebrew Calendar: How it works.
By William Van Zyl Published in October 2024 Did you know that 2024 is the year 5784 in Hebrew terms? Don’t miss the short video at the end – an overview of the calendar. The Moon as a Guide: The month of Nisan is considered to be God’s first month on His calendar. In Exodus… Continue reading The Hebrew Calendar: How it works.
Aliens: Do they Exist?
By William Van Zyl Published in October 2024 “Hallo from the other side,” says the alien via a sophisticated translation app. “⊑⟒⌰⌰⍜ ⎎⍀⍜⋔ ⏁⊑⟒ ⍜⏁⊑⟒⍀ ⌇⟟⎅⟒.” IMAGE: Online Alien translator (screenshot). Link: Documentation of an encounter: “How to Express Art” Dustin: (looking up at the sky as a spacecraft lands nearby) Uh… hello? Are… Continue reading Aliens: Do they Exist?
Puma Punku – Stone Engineering from Outer Space?
By William Van Zyl Published in October 2024 Beneath the brooding skies of ancient Bolivia, the air vibrates with an enigmatic pulse, as if the universe itself holds its breath. Colossal stones, defying the laws of earthly strength, levitate as though cradled by unseen hands. Shadows of alien figures move with deliberate grace, orchestrating a… Continue reading Puma Punku – Stone Engineering from Outer Space?
The Lamp, the Secret Dark Chamber, and the Chained Cupboard.
By William Van Zyl. Published in October 2024. They prepare to enter the forbidden room. Jonathan felt a cold shiver run up his spine, conjuring up a horrendous image of the past. IMAGE. Jonathan stands before the heavy wood and hammered iron door; his friend, Yesshee-waad-way, is beside him. AI-generated image. Discord. Oct 2024. Prompt:… Continue reading The Lamp, the Secret Dark Chamber, and the Chained Cupboard.
A Painting Kahlo, a Repentant David, and the Power of Inner Healing.
By William Van Zyl Published in September, 2024 Dark clouds accumulated in the distance, and flashes of lightning lit up some of the tall trees. The cracking sound of thunder followed. A gentle deer roams peacefully in the serene embrace of a tranquil forest. Suddenly, arrows pierce her side, each impact echoing like thunder. She… Continue reading A Painting Kahlo, a Repentant David, and the Power of Inner Healing.
Peck and Hide. Hide and Peck.
By William Van Zyl Published on 14 September 2024 A trained pigeon is guiding a WW2 missile and is on its way to take out the enemy. The missile is gliding towards a giant battleship in the ocean. Sounds far-fetched? Read on; it’s a true story. “Tap-tap-tap” sounds the copper-covered beak as it touches the… Continue reading Peck and Hide. Hide and Peck.
Lead me to the Rock that is Higher than I.
By William Van Zyl Published on 25 September 2024 David refers to the Rock—his Rock and Fortress—in the Psalms. Where did he get this idea from? The Rock is the Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 10:4; Psalm 89:26), and He is that same Rock yesterday, today, and forever, He does not change (Hebrews 13:8). Where… Continue reading Lead me to the Rock that is Higher than I.
Modern Sustainable House Design: ‘Whaitere the Enchanted Stingray.’ A Māori Story.
By William Van Zyl Published on 24 Sept 2024 This article includes stunning AI-generated architectural structures that reflect the shape and pattern of a stingray. This resource will provide valuable information to design and architecture students. The focus is on contemporary Māori-inspired design. A 3D print component is evident in the shape and form of… Continue reading Modern Sustainable House Design: ‘Whaitere the Enchanted Stingray.’ A Māori Story.
Hola and Revola, the two firing Pistolas.
By William Van Zyl Published on 18 August 2024 Bang! The shockwaves from the shrimp’s claw stunned the small fish. Research divers reported a tiny flash of lightning as the pistol’ went off. Here is a concise, fantastic, and fun story about how Hola and Revola—the two pistol shrimps—developed their ‘handguns.’ An extraordinary tale—to build writing… Continue reading Hola and Revola, the two firing Pistolas.
Ringetjies in die bos.
Deur Malinda en William Van Zyl. Gepubliseer in vir die eerste keer 2019 en weer in 2024. Foto op voorblad van die e-Boek. Crediet: Christine De Beer. Inleiding AFRIKAANSE GEDIG: In hiedie gedig vat Malinda haar liefde vir haar ma Lizzia vas. Malinda, as n jong dogter, het baie sorgvrye ure in die bos… Continue reading Ringetjies in die bos.