By William Van Zyl
Published on 9 August 2023.
Bjarke Ingels’ Moonbase design is compared and contrasted with Modernism in Architecture (Reference to Le Corbusier and his famous house design – Villa Savoye).
I analyse the contrasting aspects between Bjarke Ingels’ moonbase design and the principles of Modernism in Architecture. This article delves into the dynamics of ‘form follows function’, the role of aesthetics, the influence of architect Le Corbusier exemplified by Villa Savoye, the utilisation of pilotis, the concept of smooth facades, the embrace of open-plan design, the incorporation of steel reinforcement and concrete, and the integration of man-made materials.
Additionally, the article contemplates the feasibility of 3D printing structures using lunar regolith (Moon soil) due to the logistical challenges of transporting traditional construction materials like concrete and bricks to the Moon.
Within the scope of Modernism, the concept of minimalism finds its place. This aligns with the imperative for lunar edifices to adhere to minimalistic design principles due to the unique constraints of the lunar environment. Furthermore, the exploration extends to the potential application of geodesic domes for lunar habitats, envisioning their use as greenhouses for cultivating crops such as vegetables and fruits.
The discussion expands to encompass a novel power generation solution for lunar bases – a nuclear plant based on NASA’s conceptualisations of nuclear power plants. Ensuring a sustainable water supply becomes a paramount concern. This involves the prospect of melting and harnessing the ice located in the Moon’s polar regions. To facilitate this endeavour, the article introduces the concept of employing a specialised rover equipped with a laser alongside a dedicated trailer designed to store and transport the collected water in sizable tanks.
In summary, this analysis juxtaposes Bjarke Ingels’ innovative lunar habitat design with the ethos of Modernist architectural principles. It examines their disparate elements, ranging from design philosophies to material considerations while envisaging inventive solutions for energy generation, water collection, and sustainable living on the Moon.
Le Corbusier the architect.
Villa Savoye (famous house design by Le Corbusier).
Barke Ingels’ Moonbase design (plan view).
BIG and 3D-printed building company ICON have revealed they are working on Project Olympus, which aims to develop robotic construction for the moon. The architecture firm and SEArch+ (Space Exploration Architecture) were enlisted for the project by ICON after it received a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) government contract boosted with funding from NASA. Project Olympus aims to develop a way to create a 3D-printed infrastructure for living on the moon using materials found on its surface. Credit:
Bjarke Ingels’ moonbase design and Modernism in Architecture share certain principles and ideas while differing significantly due to the unique context of building on the Moon. Let’s examine how they compare and contrast in relation to the mentioned aspects, as well as the additional considerations you’ve provided:
- Form Follows Function:
- Both approaches recognise the importance of designing structures that efficiently fulfil their intended purpose.
- Moonbase Design: On the Moon, the function of
- sustainability, protection from radiation, and efficient resource utilisation would heavily influence the form of the structures.
- Aesthetics and Minimalism:
- Modernism: Modernism’s aesthetics are characterised by minimalism, simplicity, and clean lines.
- Moonbase Design: The lunar environment’s limitations would likely necessitate a minimalist approach to design, focusing on essential elements due to the high transport cost and resource scarcity.
- Architect Le Corbusier (Villa Savoye):
- Modernism: Le Corbusier’s Villa Savoye embodies Modernist principles such as open plan design, pilotis, and a functional, efficient layout.
- Moonbase Design: These principles could inspire moonbase design, although adaptations would be required for lunar conditions and the incorporation of high-tech solutions.
- Pilotis, Smooth Facades, Open Plan Design:
- Moonbase Design: Pilotis might be replaced or modified to accommodate the Moon’s uneven terrain. Smooth facades serve as protection from abrasive lunar dust, and open-plan designs help maximise usable space.
- Steel Reinforcing and Concrete versus 3D Printing with Regolith:
- Moonbase Design: Given the impracticality of transporting traditional construction materials to the Moon, 3D printing with regolith would be necessary. This innovative approach aligns with Modernist ideas of using new technologies and materials.
- Man-made Materials:
- Moonbase Design: Both Modernism and the moonbase design would rely on man-made materials, but the moonbase would likely prioritise resource efficiency and adaptability for lunar construction.
- Geodesic Domes and Greenhouses:
- Moonbase Design: Geodesic domes could be a feasible design solution for lunar structures, providing structural stability and efficient use of materials. Greenhouses would be essential for sustainable food production, aligning with Modernist ideas of functionality and integration with nature.
- Nuclear Power and Water Collection:
- Moonbase Design: Incorporating a nuclear plant for power generation aligns with the need for a self-sustaining energy source on the Moon. Water collection from the poles through lasers and buggies would be crucial for sustaining human life and supporting the moonbase’s functions.
Table of Contents
Considering Biomimetics:
The ideas behind designing buildings for the Moon resemble the structure of molecules. When you look at the layout from above, it seems like the arrangement you might find in certain molecules. Imagine the circular rooms as the dots in a molecule, and the hallways connecting them are like the connections between the different parts of the molecule. This way of designing is a bit like copying nature, which is called biomimicry. It’s like taking cues from how things work in nature.

Molecule Molecular geometry Chemistry Hormone Benzene, 3d model, blue, computer Wallpaper. Credit:
Now, let’s think about hexagons – those six-sided shapes you see in bee hives. Bees use these shapes because they’re a smart way to solve space problems. This natural solution can also be applied to designing moonbases. By observing animals and plants, like bees and their hives, we can get ideas to improve our designs. It’s like nature is a teacher, showing us clever ways to figure things out.
Considering Sustainable Practice:
Creating a sustainable lunar base requires ingenious architectural solutions that harness the available resources and minimise environmental impact. Just as we strive for sustainability on Earth, designing with the same principles in mind for our lunar habitats is crucial. The Moon’s unique conditions, such as its extreme temperature variations and the lack of a substantial atmosphere, present both challenges and opportunities for incorporating sustainable practices.
One fundamental element of sustainable lunar architecture is energy generation. The Moon’s surface receives abundant sunlight due to the absence of a thick atmosphere to scatter or absorb the light. Integrating solar panels into the lunar base’s design can tap into this resource, capturing solar energy to power essential functions and maintain a habitable environment. Furthermore, considering the limited space on the Moon, innovative ideas like solar panels that can be deployed on flexible surfaces or integrated into the structure itself could optimise energy production.
Wind turbines also play a role in harnessing energy on the Moon. While wind is less prominent on the Moon than on Earth, localised wind patterns could still be utilised effectively to generate power. Additionally, adopting passive solar design principles can help regulate interior temperatures. Features such as trombe walls, which absorb and store heat during the day to release it slowly at night, and double-glazed windows, which minimise heat loss, contribute to efficient temperature management.
The sustainability diagram illustrates innovative design features such as a water collection, an edible garden, solar collectors, large north-facing windows and a basement. Credit:
Incorporating clerestories, which are high windows that allow natural light and heat to enter while maintaining privacy, can illuminate interiors and reduce the need for artificial lighting. Heat sinks, designed to absorb excess heat during the day and release it during colder periods, can help regulate temperature fluctuations.
Ventilation is another vital consideration in lunar architecture. Developing efficient systems that exchange air without relying on excessive energy consumption is essential for maintaining a healthy atmosphere inside the lunar base. Potential solutions include utilising natural convection currents and designing airlocks to minimise air loss during entry and exit.
Furthermore, solar thermal panels could be employed to generate heat for various purposes, including water heating and maintaining comfortable interior temperatures. By utilising the Moon’s surface as a heat sink, excess heat from both human activities and equipment can be effectively managed.
In short, envisioning a sustainable lunar base involves implementing various innovative architectural strategies. From solar panels and wind turbines to passive solar design features like trombe walls and clerestories, each element contributes to creating a self-sufficient, environmentally conscious habitat on the Moon. By embracing and adapting these principles to the lunar environment, we can pave the way for a more sustainable and resilient human presence beyond our home planet.
Considering a Nuclear Power Station on the Moon:
Designing and installing a nuclear power generator on the Moon represents a bold step toward ensuring a reliable and consistent energy source for lunar habitats. Given the Moon’s harsh environment, characterised by extreme temperature variations and the absence of a breathable atmosphere, a nuclear power solution can offer significant advantages over traditional solar-based systems, which might face limitations during prolonged lunar nights or in areas with challenging lighting conditions.
One potential approach involves using a small nuclear reactor that harnesses the process of nuclear fission to generate heat. This heat can then be used to produce steam, which drives turbines to generate electricity. To mitigate safety concerns, these reactors could be designed to be inherently safe, meaning that they automatically shut down or maintain a safe state in the event of malfunctions or accidents.
Water plays a crucial role in this concept. Water can act as both a coolant and a radiation shield. The reactor’s heat can be transferred to water circulating through a closed-loop system, preventing the reactor from overheating. The heated water can then be used to produce steam for electricity generation.
Additionally, the water surrounding the reactor can serve as a radiation shield, protecting the lunar base’s inhabitants from harmful radiation emitted by the reactor.
Batteries are another essential component of the system. They serve as energy storage devices, allowing excess electricity generated during peak times to be stored and used when demand exceeds the reactor’s output. This approach ensures a consistent energy supply throughout the day and night, enabling continuous operation of vital equipment and systems.
Installing a nuclear power generator on the Moon requires careful planning and considering potential risks. Rigorous safety protocols, robust shielding, and fail-safe mechanisms are imperative to prevent accidents and protect both lunar residents and the environment. Furthermore, international agreements and cooperation would be necessary to ensure the responsible and secure use of nuclear technology in space.
Overall, a nuclear power generator on the Moon presents an innovative and promising solution for addressing the energy challenges of lunar habitats. This concept could revolutionise how we sustain human presence and exploration on the lunar surface by leveraging water as a coolant and radiation shield and integrating battery storage to ensure an uninterrupted power supply.
Considering specific LED light designs for growing plants on the Moon:
Designing lighting systems for plant growth on the Moon is critical to establishing sustainable habitats. Given the Moon’s lack of atmosphere and natural sunlight, specific LED (light-emitting diode) lights are an ideal choice to provide the necessary light spectrum for photosynthesis and plant development.
LED technology has advanced significantly and offers several benefits for lunar plant cultivation. Unlike traditional lighting sources, LEDs can be tailored to emit specific wavelengths of light that are most effective for plant growth. This customisation allows for optimal energy efficiency, as only the wavelengths needed for photosynthesis are emitted, minimising energy wastage.
When considering the specific LED lights for lunar plant growth, focusing on the blue and red light spectra is important. Blue light is crucial for vegetative growth, promoting healthy leaf development and sturdy stems. On the other hand, red light is essential for plants’ flowering and fruiting phases. By carefully balancing the ratio of blue to red light, lunar habitat designers can create an environment that supports plants at various stages of growth.
In addition to spectral customisation, LEDs emit less heat than traditional lighting sources, reducing the need for elaborate cooling systems. This is particularly advantageous in the Moon’s extreme temperature conditions, where maintaining consistent temperatures is challenging.
Moreover, LEDs can be integrated into vertical farming systems, optimising space utilisation and enabling efficient multi-layer cultivation. This is crucial on the Moon, where space is limited and efficient use of resources is paramount.
The design of the lunar plant growth lighting system should consider the light spectrum and the duration of light exposure. Mimicking Earth’s day-night cycle is important to maintain circadian rhythms in plants. An automated lighting schedule, adjusted to the Moon’s day length, could provide the necessary light-dark periods for optimal plant growth.
In conclusion, specific LED lights offer a practical and efficient solution for growing plants on the Moon. By customising the light spectrum and duration, lunar habitats can create an artificial environment that supports plant growth, ensuring a sustainable source of food and oxygen for future lunar inhabitants.
In May 2014, NASA created a plant growth system that uses LED lights and a nutrient solution to grow edible plants in space. Today, in 2023, that system continues to be used and improved. NASA has been and will continue to be at the forefront of space agriculture research, and they have made significant progress in growing food in space using LED grow lights. Credit:
Future exploration:
NASA is sending a mobile robot to the South Pole of the Moon to get a close-up view of the location and concentration of water ice in the region and, for the first time ever, actually sample the water ice at the same pole where the first woman and next man will land in 2024 under the Artemis program.
The Viper Lunar Rover.
In conclusion, Bjarke Ingels’ moonbase design would draw inspiration from Modernism’s principles, but the unique challenges and constraints of building on the Moon would significantly shape it. The necessity for resource efficiency, sustainability, and technological innovation would result in a distinctive architectural approach that balances minimalism, functionality, and adaptation to an extraterrestrial environment.