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By William Van Zyl.

Published in October 2024.

Have you ever considered what is in your heart, belly, and mind? 

Our eyes, often seen as windows to our souls, play a crucial role in our daily experiences. But visual perception goes far beyond just lenses and corneas. It involves complex brain processes where neural pathways interpret and give meaning to the images our eyes capture. Then it ramps up to another level: Our thought patterns, heart’s memory, and kidney memory—the life force from our bellies. You have heard correctly: the heart, kidneys and the ‘belly’ have a memory! Cellular memory. The brain communicates regularly with the heart, and the heart stores essential information like “ a gut feeling” and “I believe in my heart.” This interconnectedness of perception, emotion, and morality is a profound aspect of our being that we often overlook.

FUN IMAGE: A black heart, a black eye, a black brain, black kidneys, and a black belly. AI-generated image. Credit: Midjourney (October 2024). PROMPT: Diagram: Show the inside of a person. Focus on a black heart, black kidneys and a black belly.

King David makes a profound statement around this concept:

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Praise be to you, LORD; teach me your decrees.. Psalm 119: 11 NIV

It means our eyes are connected to our thoughts (brain), hearts, kidneys, and “belly.” Right?

The word “belly” is from the King James Version, and most of your translations probably say heart, but the Greek word koilias actually means “belly.” In Hebrew, your belly represents the seat of your emotions and your deepest inner parts as we ‘talk from the heart.

Now consider these words from Yeshua:

“The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light, but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!” Matthew 6:22-23 English Standard Version 2016 (ESV)

Jesus uses the metaphor of the eye as the body’s lamp to highlight the importance of perception and focus. A “healthy eye” suggests a clear, focused vision, leading to enlightenment and goodness filling one’s life. Conversely, a “bad eye” implies a lack of clarity and focus, resulting in spiritual and moral darkness. Essentially, it underscores the idea that what we focus on and how we perceive the world profoundly impacts our inner being and moral compass. If the source of our light (our perspective and focus) is flawed, the resulting darkness within can be profound. It’s a call to ensure our perceptions align with purity and truth, guiding us toward a virtuous life and motivating us to make conscious choices in our perception and focus.

Now, let’s look at the following significant scripture. Yeshua refers to the heart as a treasure chest:

A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh. Luke 6:45 King James Version (KJV).


For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee. Prov 23: 7

It means that your speech will give you away. What is in your heart and your belly will ultimately reveal your deepest thoughts. 

IMAGE: An evil and wicked man, out of the dark, evil treasure of his heart, produces that which is evil—an AI-generated image. PROMPT: Illustration of dark heart organic, realistic. Midjourney. Oct 2024.

Dear reader, what is in your heart? And what is in your belly? Those deep-seated thoughts. How do you view the world? How do you view people? How do you view spirituality? Do you see people and the world in a positive light? Or do you see people and the world in a negative light?

David makes significant comments about his heart and kidneys. He is referring to the memory around his heart and his belly:

“Examine me, O LORD, and test me! Evaluate my kidneys and my heart!”  Psalm 26: 2.

The question is, how can we influence the memory of the heart and belly? 

Chabad teachings suggest that influencing the “memory” of the heart, kidneys, and belly involves spiritual and emotional practices. Here are a few ways:

  1. Heart: Engage in heartfelt prayer and meditation, focusing on positive emotions and intentions to align the heart with spiritual values.
  2. Kidneys: Reflect on moral decisions and seek wisdom in actions. The kidneys, symbolically associated with decision-making, can be influenced by mindful and ethical choices.
  3. Belly: Practice gratitude and mindfulness during meals, acknowledging the spiritual energy in the food. This can foster a deeper connection with the body and its spiritual significance.
  4. Spiritually: Be filled with the Holy Spirit -‘ Rivers of Living Waters’ will flow from your belly.

By nurturing these practices, one can cultivate a harmonious balance between physical organs (‘the memory’) and spiritual well-being.

The ultimate way to work on the memory of your heart, your kidneys, and your belly:

1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.

2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.

3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

4 The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away.

5 Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.

6 For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.

Psalm 1. KJV

IMAGE. Diagram: Showing the ‘inside’ of a person. Focusing on a white-coloured heart, white-coloured eyes, white-coloured brain, white-coloured kidneys, and a white-coloured belly. AI-generated image. Credit Midjourney Oct 2024. PROMPT: Diagram: Show the inside of a person. Focus on a white-coloured heart, white-coloured eyes, white-coloured brain, white-coloured kidneys, and a white-coloured belly.

Just for fun, here’s a diagram showing the inside of a person: The focus is on a white-coloured heart, white-coloured eyes, white-coloured brain, white-coloured kidneys, and a white-coloured belly.

IMAGE: A person with a White Heart, A White Brain, A White Eye, White Kidneys, and a White Belly. AI-generated image. Credit: Midjourney. Oct 2024. PROMPT: Diagram: Show the inside of a person. Focus on a white-coloured heart, white-coloured eyes, white-coloured brain, white-coloured kidneys, and a white-coloured belly.

How do you receive or develop a white-coloured heart and a white-coloured belly?

Answer: Read and meditate on the Word day and night. Search what is in your heart, look at your kidneys, and identify what is in your belly. Work on it.

Practical: How to search your heart and belly?

The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly. Proverbs 20:27. KJ

Ask God’s Holy Spirit to search the inner parts of your heart and belly; He will use your spirit as a lamp and tell you what is in your heart.

And when He [The Holy Spirit] has come, He [The Holy Spirit] will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment. John 16: 8. NKJV

Lastly, the Life Force from your Belly:

The Holy Spirit in you.

He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. John 7:38. King James.

Dear reader, I trust you have enjoyed reading about the connections between our eyes, brains, thoughts, hearts, kidneys, and belly. Our spirit man, is an unseen driving force in our lives. These spiritual areas are more complex, extravagant, and vital than we imagine. 

Meditate His Word Day and Night. Read His Word, listen to podcasts (scripture), and continuously discuss His Word. Continuously fill your heart with His scriptures. Allow the Holy Spirit to search your heart and your ‘belly.’ Ask God to test your kidneys (your ‘wisdom’, your decision-making).

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Mt 5:8)

IMAGE: A pure white heart. The heart of a person that always guards his/her heart. From it, the issues of life flow. “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Prov 4:23. AI-generated. Oct 2024.

Jesus says the pure in heart are blessed. Since we are sinners and continue to sin, how can we be pure in heart? Purity of the heart means being made clean through the Spirit and the Word. We must put God first in every thought, word, and action.

IMAGE: I love these vintage sketches. This text is copied from the site Heart Of Man: https://angp-hb.co.za/ DESCRIPTION: “This picture speaks of a Christian who has found perfect peace and eternal salvation through the death of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and so boasts in nothing else except “only about the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. By means of His cross, the world is dead to us, and we are dead to the world.” (Galatians 6:14). Jesus died on the cross so that we, too, might “die to sin and live for righteousness”; a Christian who is dead to the world. (1 Peter 2:24). We are commanded:  “Let the Spirit direct our lives, and we will not satisfy the desires of the human nature.” (Galatians 5:16,25). See the peacock on the left? It means pride selfish-pride has been taken out of the heart. The frog: The frog symbolises that evil, deceit, and unclean spirits have been removed. In Revelation, the three frogs reflect the unholy trinity of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet, imitating the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) and intending to lead the world to destruction. TORTOISE: The tortoise speaks of laziness, sluggishness to obey and witchcraft. Rebellion is as bad as witchcraft (1 Samual 15:23). “A lazy man who refuses to work is only killing himself; all he does is think about what he would like to have.” (Proverbs 21:25-26).
Read more about the symbolism of these icons: BIBLE TOPIC – HEART OF MAN https://angp-hb.co.za Can you identify some more? Read more & see more interesting diagrams on the HEART OF MAN: BIBLE TOPIC – HEART OF MAN https://angp-hb.co.za

Are you interested in reading more about the cellular memory of the heart? See how a heart transplant solves a murder case!

This video will change the way you think about the heart!

Here is a link to an in-depth article by the author.

Copyright © 2024 by William Van Zyl

A Dark Eye, a Set of Dark Glasses, a Black Heart, a Black Belly, Black Kidneys, and a Black Brain will Blacken your Life.

All rights reserved. This eBook/article or any portion

thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner

without the publisher’s permission, except for using brief quotations in a book review.

Published by Five House Publishing (New Zealand)

First Publishing, October 2024

More eBooks and articles are available at https://fivehousepublishing.com/

More about the author at http://williamvanzyl.com/

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