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Read Time:13 Minute, 57 Second

By William Van Zyl

Published in October 2024

Under the darkened skies of ancient Bolivia, the air hums with an otherworldly energy. Massive rocks, too heavy for any human hand, rise effortlessly from the earth, suspended by invisible forces as alien figures guide them into perfect alignment. Sharp and unyielding, Lasers slice through the dense stone with a precision that defies time itself, etching intricate patterns and drilling flawless holes. Below, the Bolivians stand in awe, marking the sacred ground for their celestial visitors, a blueprint for a temple dedicated to the gods beyond the stars. Puma Punku is not merely a construction site; it is the meeting point of two worlds, where humanity serves the architects of the divine.

IMAGE: Aliens are lasering patterns for the Puma Punku people. I included an AI-generated image just for fun. Prompt: Aliens and ancient humans (Puma Punku) communicate. The aliens use a laser to cut patterns on a large rock for the ancient people. Credit: Midjourney – Oct 2024.

A Bolivian Elder communicates with aliens via hi-tech software (similar to Google Translate). The aliens are cutting large rocks and levitating these massive rocks in position for them. They also laser exquisite patterns on the stones. The aliens’ laser drills accurately marked holes in the stones and rocks for the excited and highly spiritual Puma Punku people. I have included a short conversation about the events below.

Bolivian Elder: Cathaldera
“We have prepared everything as you instructed. The patterns are marked on the stones—see these lines here. They represent the sacred puma. It must guard the gate.”

Alien Commander: Chevelliar
“Understood. The design will be cut precisely as shown. These curved forms, what do they signify?”

Bolivian Elder: Cathaldera
“They are the paths of the sun and moon, the cycles of time. Each cut must be perfect, or the energy won’t flow properly.”

Alien Engineer: Techaliera
“No error will be made. The lasers will follow the exact sequence. What of these geometric shapes?”

Bolivian Elder: Cathaldera
“Those are for the gods. The angles channel their power into this place. They are symbols of strength and eternity.”

Alien Commander: Chevelliar
“We will begin. When the stones are complete, this site will resonate as you wish, a link between your people and the celestial bodies you have identified.”

Bolivian Elder: Cathaldera

Remember to laser the bed for our sacrifices. The blood channel must go downwards to allow for the free flow of blood. 

Alien Engineer: Techaliera

Yes, we will do that for you. We will ensure that the channel is cut downwards at a steep angle.

Bolivian Elder: Cathalder
“It is exactly as the prophecy foretold by our ancestors. We are ready to sacrifice when the cutting and positioning of the rocks and stones are complete.”


How did they do it? 

More scientists believe that aliens and visitors from outer space have assisted ancient civilisations with their building projects. Scientists don’t have natural explanations. Some believe the massive stones and chiselled and shaped rocks were hewn and levitated in position (people and animals could not have moved them). Some point out that sound waves could have levitated these monstrous rocks and moved them into position. Really? 

Others believe that aliens from outer space assisted them with advanced technology. Really?

Christians and Christian Scientists, those with cutting-edge knowledge and access to research, point to Demonology as the force behind these phenomena. They say the demons have tricked people in the past and will continue to trick unbelievers into believing in alien encounters and outer space phenomena. 

What do you think? 

Let’s look at PUMA PUNKU: The Inka Civilisation in Bolivia.

IMAGE: Remains of Puma Punku – Bolivia (South America). INTERESTING FACT: The stones are of megalithic proportion, and the largest stone weighs around 130 tonnes. It has been determined by chemical analysis that these large stones, mainly red sandstone, have been transported up a steep incline from a quarry near Lake Titicaca, almost 10 kilometres away from the lake. Credit: Wikipedia.

IMAGE: Pumapunku, or Puma Punku (meaning ‘Gate of the Puma’ in Aymara and Quechua), is a 6th-century T-shaped, terraced platform mound meticulously aligned with key landmarks. It features a sunken court and once supported a monumental structure on its summit. Located at the Tiwanaku site near Tiwanacu in western Bolivia, Pumapunku is part of a larger complex of plazas and ramps centred around the platform mound. Only the remnants of the monumental structures atop the Puma Punku platform remain visible today. Credit: Wikipedia. 

IMAGE: Detailed patterns are carved into the tough stone. Credit: Wikipedia. 

IMAGE: How did they drill these high-precision small holes? Credit: Wikipedia.

IMAGE: Alexei Vranich’s virtual reconstruction of one of the four buildings of the Puma Punku monumental structure revealed that these buildings are elaborate versions of those excavated by Christine Hastorf at the Chiripa site (550 BC-AD 100). Credit: Wikipedia.

A very brief overview: Puma Punku

Puma Punku, located in Bolivia near the ancient city of Tiwanaku, is a significant archaeological site known for its remarkable stonework and advanced construction techniques. Tiwanaku is believed to be the site where the world was created. Really? The activities at the Puma Punku Centre revolve around the study and excavation of large, precisely cut stone blocks, some weighing several tons, interlocked in intricate patterns without using mortar. Archaeologists have uncovered megalithic structures, finely carved stone gateways, and precision-drilled holes, leading to speculation about the methods used by the pre-Inca civilisation to shape and transport the stones. The site reveals a highly sophisticated culture that is skilled in engineering, construction, and stonework.

How did they do it?

The enigma of advanced stone engineering at Puma Punku has captivated researchers for years, as the precision and complexity of the shapes, forms, and patterns of the large stones seem extraordinary to an ancient civilisation. Here are key explanations for how these intricate features may have been produced:

  1. Stone Carving Tools: Although no metal tools have been found at Puma Punku, it is believed that the builders used complex stone tools, such as those made from andesite or diorite (both harder than the sandstone and andesite blocks used in construction). These could have been used for chiselling and shaping the stones. The ancient people of the Tiwanaku culture likely employed stone hammers, chisels, and other tools to work the surfaces, creating the precise shapes seen in the stones.
  2. Abrasion Techniques: Another theory suggests using sand or grit as an abrasive to smooth and polish the stones. Rubbing the stone surfaces with sand containing quartz particles could achieve a high level of smoothness and flatness. This method would explain the polished surfaces and crisp edges observed at Puma Punku.
  3. Geometric Precision: The builders demonstrated remarkable geometric and architectural knowledge. The stones at Puma Punku are cut in highly accurate right angles, and many fit together seamlessly without mortar. They used early forms of measurement and levelling tools, like plumb bobs, string lines, and rudimentary levels, to ensure accuracy. The perfectly drilled holes and complex interlocking blocks suggest an advanced understanding of geometry and engineering.
  4. Stone Softening Hypothesis: Some alternative theories speculate that the Tiwanaku people may have had access to a method or substance that could soften stone, allowing them to mould it into the desired shapes before it hardened again. However, this remains a controversial and unproven hypothesis, as no direct evidence supports it.
  5. Precision Cutting Methods: The large andesite stones, which are harder than steel, feature straight lines, sharp angles, and perfectly drilled holes. Some suggest that the builders could have used some form of primitive saw or drilling technique, using materials like copper alloyed with other metals or hard stones like obsidian. These tools could have combined water and sand to facilitate the cutting and drilling.

In summary, while the exact methods used remain a mystery, a combination of advanced knowledge in geometry, stone-cutting tools, abrasive techniques, and possibly innovative engineering approaches allowed the ancient builders of Puma Punku to produce such sophisticated stone shapes and patterns.

Could demons and angels of darkness have assisted them? 

The views of Chuck Missler and other Christian Scientists and Authors.

Many Christians, including notable writers like Chuck Missler, believe that what some interpret as extraterrestrial beings or “aliens” are demons disguising themselves, deceiving humanity. This perspective is rooted in the Bible, particularly in scriptures warning of demonic deception and spiritual warfare.

In 2 Corinthians 11:14, Paul writes, “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” 

This verse illustrates the deceptive nature of Satan and his followers, who can appear as benevolent or supernatural beings but are, in reality, intent on misleading people. Christians who hold this view believe that aliens may be a modern manifestation of these deceptive spirits.

Chuck Missler, a well-known Christian writer and speaker, extensively discussed this idea. He suggests that alien encounters are not physical interactions with beings from other planets but spiritual events involving malevolent entities. 

Missler points to the Nephilim mentioned in Genesis 6:4 as an example of fallen angels who have interacted with humans in deceptive ways in the past.

 The Nephilim were the offspring of “the sons of God” (believed by some to be fallen angels) and human women, a result of the corruption of God’s creation (offspring: fallen angels and humans [woman] had intercourse). The passage suggests that the Nephilim were giants or mighty warriors, often associated with great strength and renown. Their existence is linked to a time of moral corruption on Earth, leading up to the Great Flood. The exact nature of the Nephilim remains debated, with interpretations ranging from them being literal giants to representing powerful, corrupt leaders or hybrids of divine and human beings.

Missler argues that in the end times, as foretold in Matthew 24:37, “As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man,” there will be a return to such strange and deceptive activities. Just as demonic forces influenced humanity in the days before the flood, they may again appear in forms that mislead people, possibly through the guise of “aliens” or other supernatural phenomena.

Furthermore, Ephesians 6:12 reinforces this idea: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” From this perspective, Christians are reminded that their struggle is not with physical beings but with spiritual forces, which may masquerade as extraterrestrial life forms to lead people away from the truth of God.

According to Christian teachings and interpretations like those of Chuck Missler, aliens are seen not as creatures from distant planets but as demonic entities that have misled humanity in the past and will continue to do so in the future. Their purpose is to distract and deceive, shifting focus away from God and the truth of the Bible.

Did demons—or other forces—assist the builders of Stonehenge, the Great Pyramids in Egypt, Puma Punku, and other ancient religious sites? 

A Case Study from the Bible: A lying spirit in the mouths of Ahab’s prophets.

One clear example in the Bible where demons have manipulated events and deceived people is found in 1 Kings 22:19-23, where a deceptive spirit is sent to lead a king astray.

In this passage, the prophet Micaiah reveals a vision of the heavenly court. God asks who will entice King Ahab of Israel to go into battle at Ramoth-Gilead, where he would meet his death. A spirit steps forward and says I will go; it is a lying spirit in the mouths of Ahab’s prophets, leading him to his downfall. God permits this, and the spirit goes to deceive the false prophets of Ahab, who, in turn, falsely assure the king of victory.

Here is the key part of the passage:

“And the LORD said, ‘Who will entice Ahab into attacking Ramoth Gilead and going to his death there?’ One suggested this, and another that. Finally, a spirit came forward, stood before the LORD and said, ‘I will entice him.’ ‘By what means?’ the LORD asked. ‘I will go out and be a lying spirit in the mouths of all his prophets,’ he said. ‘You will succeed in enticing him,’ said the LORD. ‘Go and do it.’ So now the LORD has put a lying spirit in the mouths of all these prophets of yours. The LORD has decreed disaster for you.'”
(1 Kings 22:20-23, NIV)

ILLUSTRATIVE IMAGE: ‘Finally, a spirit came forward, stood before the LORD and said, ‘I will entice him.’ ‘By what means?’ the LORD asked. I will go out and be a lying spirit in the mouths of all his prophets,’ he said. ‘You will succeed in enticing him,’ said the LORD. ‘Go and do it.’ AI-generated image. Credit: Midjourney. Oct 2024.

This passage shows that demonic forces, with God’s permission, can influence and deceive individuals through false information and manipulation, as this spirit did with Ahab’s prophets. Ahab was deceived into going into battle based on lies, ultimately leading to his death, demonstrating how demons can orchestrate events to bring about destruction.

This story also warns about false prophets and deceitful spirits, which the New Testament describes as continuing to operate in the world.

1 Timothy 4:1 warns: “Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons.”

Christians believe this example illustrates the enduring reality of spiritual deception, which can occur through seemingly trustworthy sources but are manipulated by demonic entities bent on leading people away from God’s truth.


Considering all the ancient civilisations and how they moved the large rocks, shaped them, and decorated them, we could conclude that the following main ideas and concepts were at play.

So, here are the theories. 

  1. ACTUAL ENGINEERING BY THE PEOPLE THEMSELVES: The people from those civilisations produced it all by themselves. We don’t know how they have done it yet. We could have a revelation or breakthrough in time. We have to be patient.
  2. ACTUAL ALIENS FROM OUTER SPACE ASSISTED THEM WITH MOVING THE ROCKS, SHAPING THEM AND DECORATING THE STRUCTURES AND COMPONENTS: Aliens communicated with ancient civilisations and assisted them with moving rocks and stones. They also assisted them in cutting, levitating (moving), and decorating the rocks and unique structures.  For example, the introductory story (fiction) at the beginning of this article.
  3. DARK FORCES AND DECEPTIVE SPIRITS (DEMONS) ASSISTED THESE CIVILISATIONS. THESE DARK FORCES ARE DECEIVING AND HAVE WORKED THROUGH THE AGES AND ARE ALSO AT WORK NOW TO DIVERT AND INFLUENCE THE THINKING OF PEOPLE IN OUR TIME: No actual parts of spaceships or aliens exist which are on display or are available to be tested scientifically, exist today. No solid evidence exists. These encounters are fake (deceptive works of the demons to distract and mislead people). The many stories and documentaries are so developed that they continue to be a ‘pie in the sky’ that cannot be tested. Exciting and enticing stories and encounters, though. We cannot touch the evidence; the photos are questionable. It is just a collection of images, videos, and human stories. The Devil is at work; deception is rife.

IMAGE: Aliens may not be physical beings but spiritual entities (e.g. deceiving demons). AI-generated image. Credit: Midjourney. Oct 2024. Prompt: Religious and Spiritual Theories. Some religious perspectives, such as those found in Christianity, suggest that aliens may not be physical beings but spiritual entities- fallen angels, demons, or other supernatural beings. These interpretations often view alien encounters as spiritual experiences rather than extraterrestrial interactions.

Which theory, or combination of theories, of the three mainstream ones mentioned do you favour? 

“The devil has nothing to do with the truth. There is no truth in him. It is expected of the devil to lie, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” NLT. John 8:44

Copyright © 2024 by William Van Zyl

Puma Punku – Stone Engineering from Outer Space?

All rights reserved. This eBook/article or any portion

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without the publisher’s permission, except for using brief quotations in a book review.

Published by Five House Publishing (New Zealand)

First Publishing, October 2024

More eBooks and articles are available at https://fivehousepublishing.com/

More about the author at http://williamvanzyl.com/

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6 thoughts on “Puma Punku – Stone Engineering from Outer Space?

  1. I appreciate you taking the time to write and share this insightful piece. It was clear and concise, and I found the data to be really useful. Your time and energy spent on this article’s research and writing are much appreciated. Anyone interested in this topic would surely benefit from this resource.

    1. Hi Angela. Thanks for acknowledging my efforts to create an engaging article. It is much appreciated. Glad you have enjoyed it. Regards. William Van Zyl (Author).

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