Mirror Opens Ancient Temple Door.

By William Van Zyl – Published in December 2023. A tiny beam of light – entering from a slit in the roof of the cave – shines like a long shaft of enlightenment onto the rugged cave floor. Thousands specks of dust – hundreds of years asleep – are disturbed. They wake up. The ancient… Continue reading Mirror Opens Ancient Temple Door.

The Stitcher from Republic Shoe Repairs

By William Van Zyl (published 3 December 2023) In the electric atmosphere of the boxing ring, a dance unfolded, a symphony of jabs and blocks echoing through the tense silence. Bill and Mike tested each other’s mettle, a ballet of aggression and defence—the “Anvil” versus the “Assassin.” A moment of brilliance sparked when Bill’s feint… Continue reading The Stitcher from Republic Shoe Repairs

AI-inspired Māori Food.

By William Van Zyl (published in November 2023) Introduction: This resource includes an overview of Māori food in New Zealand over the past 700 years. I include the influence of Britain, other cultures, and Christianity on Māori food and dishes. Also included are several AI-inspired dishes (Midjourney/Discord). Additional focus on aesthetics – crockery & garnishing… Continue reading AI-inspired Māori Food.

AI-Inspired Māori Fashion. 

By William Van Zyl (Published in November 2023) In this article, I provide a rich resource for artists, designers, teachers and design students. I include a short clothing and fashion design overview over the past 700 years of Māori in New Zealand. I start with traditional clothing and then progress to AI-inspired clothing—a modern and… Continue reading AI-Inspired Māori Fashion.