The Sauniere Code.

By William Van Zyl (Nov 2021). The muffled scoop and thump of a spade and pick disturbed the dead. The unexpected sound – at 1:15 am – sent a shiver through the cemetery. The moist soil and decaying bodies were disturbed. Though many of the dead were at peace, the sound of spades and picks… Continue reading The Sauniere Code.

Hairspray and magnets outwit Medici Bank!

By William Van Zyl (2021) A can of hairspray made a clanking sound as the small glass ball mixed the sticky liquid in the canister. Jules Bartolnoro lowered himself slowly; he covered the can with his right hand – cupping his hand over his pocket – as he held on to the rope. At 12:16… Continue reading Hairspray and magnets outwit Medici Bank!

Sensors: Maintaining the eco-equilibrium of sensitive limestone caves in New Zealand. STEM and Digital Technologies -Programming microprocessors as sensors to improve cave sustainability (Micro:bit and MakerBot – mBot).

By William Van Zyl On Friday, 5 March 2021, I stepped into the unknown. It was dark, humid, and very black. Yellow cat-eyes stared at me from the ground. It was evenly spaced and extended way ahead of me. Where could it lead? It took some time for my sensitive eyes to adapt to the… Continue reading Sensors: Maintaining the eco-equilibrium of sensitive limestone caves in New Zealand. STEM and Digital Technologies -Programming microprocessors as sensors to improve cave sustainability (Micro:bit and MakerBot – mBot).


Tauhangata & Tauwhine (Maori – New Zealand context) Download the full ebook (lesson on own identity) for free: Overview of the resource: Tuahangata (Heroes) 1. (personal noun) hero, male idol, principal male character, male celebrity – a familiar name for the main male character of a story, etc. and is often used as a proper… Continue reading HEROES, HEROINES AND ME: Tuahangata (Heroes) & Tuawahine (Heroines). MAORI CULTURE COMPARED TO PAKEHA AND OTHER GLOBAL HEROES (LESSON & RESOURCE FOR 13-YEAR-OLD TO 15-YEAR-OLD STUDENTS).

Cardboard Art, Sculpture, and Bas-Relief work: An integrated lesson on ‘identity.’

Front cover. Back cover. Available at By William Van Zyl ( First published in 2017, edited in 2018 & 2024) The Battle of Bloodriver The first shot from the ‘Sanna voorlaaier’ (rifle) broke the silence of the fog. It crept slowly up and along the cold river like a thick blanket. It was an uncertain,… Continue reading Cardboard Art, Sculpture, and Bas-Relief work: An integrated lesson on ‘identity.’

Helium Balloons and Sky Lanterns: Our New Jellyfish and Alien ‘Space Killers’ of the Future?

By William Van Zyl (Published in 2020) Essay: Soft bait is a silent killer. Synthetic fishing lures have been developed to catch any type of freshwater and saltwater fish. Designers and manufacturers have spent large amounts of money, time, and resources, on creating the most effective lures and soft baits. Soft bait is so effective… Continue reading Helium Balloons and Sky Lanterns: Our New Jellyfish and Alien ‘Space Killers’ of the Future?

River Rights: A United Approach to Improve Sustainable Practice.

By William Van Zyl (2019) Overview of this article From a sustainability perspective, this article investigates the views of three prominent cultures: Hinduism, Māori World view (New Zealand’s indigenous people), and Christianity. By comparing the different cultures or perspectives, the concept of giving rights to natural features like rivers are discussed. However, there are many… Continue reading River Rights: A United Approach to Improve Sustainable Practice.


Two one-page stories. By William Van Zyl (Oct 2021). Listen to the dramatised story on podbean: At 11:16 am, it was all over. On July 15, 2016 – at 11:17 am – John Parrish ran over his robber-friend, Jack Leonard, and grabbed his bag full of money. They had just robbed the Atlantic Bank… Continue reading Out-Foxed.