Writing Skills – Wood and Stone: How Prophecy Changes Everything.

By William Van Zyl Listen to the podcast (Podbean): The Extravagant Podcast: https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-w289b-1022217 Listen to the podcast of this article: https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-kwujq-fe921e Fantasy Prophecy is a fascinating and compelling technique for Writing Fiction and Non-fiction. Prophecies, or a prophecy, can add a fascinating plotline to a novel. It gives depth. It cleverly weaves mystery and suspense… Continue reading Writing Skills – Wood and Stone: How Prophecy Changes Everything.

Leaving Your Comfort Zone Requires Courage. A Brave Move Will Make You More Efficient! A Lesson from ‘The Little Prince’ (Famous Novel by French Writer: Antoine De Saint-Exupèry 1943).

By William Van Zyl A brief overview of the novel: The famous novel by Saint-Ex – a children’s book written in French – is about a young prince who visits various planets in space, including Earth, and addresses themes of loneliness, friendship, love, and loss. The Little Prince makes observations about life and human nature. The book is said… Continue reading Leaving Your Comfort Zone Requires Courage. A Brave Move Will Make You More Efficient! A Lesson from ‘The Little Prince’ (Famous Novel by French Writer: Antoine De Saint-Exupèry 1943).

Entering a Dark, Humid Cave – lit up by cat-eyed, yellow fiery flies – could turn your thinking upside down.

By William Van Zyl (March 2021) Entering a dark, humid cave – lit up by cat-eyed, yellow fiery flies – could turn your thinking upside down. Listen to the podcast link: https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-vbeeq-feb056 On Friday, 5 March 2021, I stepped into the unknown. It was dark, humid, and very black. Yellow cat-eyes stared at me from… Continue reading Entering a Dark, Humid Cave – lit up by cat-eyed, yellow fiery flies – could turn your thinking upside down.